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Microsoft's Mappoint - Create a Datamap

COM and Automation

Microsoft's Mappoint - Create a Datamap

by  craigsboyd  Posted    (Edited  )
Slighthaze = [color blue]NULL[/color]
[img http://www.sweetpotatosoftware.com/ttimages/mappoint.gif]
[color red]You will need at least the trial version of Mappoint 2001 or 2002 installed on your system in order to run this example.[/color]

This shows a simple example for automating Microsoft's Mappoint to show a datamap of sales totals by state. The different colors represent sales within a particular range(see the legend to the left of the map). These totals could have just as easily been broken out by ZIP code, county, city, or whatever. The area shown could be as small as a part of town for instance showing one salesperson's territority and what the break outs were for it. As you can see, this is kind of like an MS Chart on steroids. This doesn't begin to scratch the surface of automating Mappoint from VFP, but it may give you a few new data reporting ideas.

Though the code looks like a lot, most of it is fluff...I wanted to show most of the Mappoint Constants and I set up a textfile to hold the sales totals and act as my data.

*CUT-N-PASTE the code below into a prg file and run it from within VFP

#DEFINE geoOneDay 1
#DEFINE geoOneHour 0
#DEFINE geoOneMinute 0
#DEFINE geoColorSchemeDefault -1
#DEFINE geoDelimiterDefault 0
#DEFINE geoDelimiterTab 9
#DEFINE geoDelimiterComma 44
#DEFINE geoDelimiterSpace 32
#DEFINE geoCountryDefault 0
#DEFINE geoCountryAlbania 6
#DEFINE geoCountryArgentina 11
#DEFINE geoCountryAustralia 12
#DEFINE geoCountryAustria 14
#DEFINE geoCountryBangladesh 23
#DEFINE geoCountryBelarus 24
#DEFINE geoCountryBelgium 21
#DEFINE geoCountryBolivia 26
#DEFINE geoCountryBrazil 32
#DEFINE geoCountryBulgaria 35
#DEFINE geoCountryCanada 39
#DEFINE geoCountryChile 46
#DEFINE geoCountryChina 45
#DEFINE geoCountryColombia 51
#DEFINE geoCountryCzechRep 75
#DEFINE geoCountryDenmark 61
#DEFINE geoCountryEcuador 66
#DEFINE geoCountryEstonia 70
#DEFINE geoCountryFinland 77
#DEFINE geoCountryFrance 84
#DEFINE geoCountryFrenchGuiana 76
#DEFINE geoCountryGeorgia 88
#DEFINE geoCountryGermany 94
#DEFINE geoCountryGreece 98
#DEFINE geoCountryHungary 109
#DEFINE geoCountryIceland 110
#DEFINE geoCountryIndia 113
#DEFINE geoCountryIndonesia 111
#DEFINE geoCountryIreland 68
#DEFINE geoCountryItaly 118
#DEFINE geoCountryJapan 122
#DEFINE geoCountryLatvia 140
#DEFINE geoCountryLithuania 141
#DEFINE geoCountryLuxembourg 147
#DEFINE geoCountryMalaysia 167
#DEFINE geoCountryMexico 166
#DEFINE geoCountryNetherlands 176
#DEFINE geoCountryNorthKorea 131
#DEFINE geoCountryNorway 177
#DEFINE geoCountryParaguay 185
#DEFINE geoCountryPeru 187
#DEFINE geoCountryPoland 191
#DEFINE geoCountryPortugal 193
#DEFINE geoCountryRomania 200
#DEFINE geoCountryRussia 203
#DEFINE geoCountrySlovakia 143
#DEFINE geoCountrySouthAfrica 209
#DEFINE geoCountrySouthKorea 134
#DEFINE geoCountrySpain 217
#DEFINE geoCountrySuriname 181
#DEFINE geoCountrySweden 221
#DEFINE geoCountrySwitzerland 223
#DEFINE geoCountryTurkey 235
#DEFINE geoCountryUnitedKingdom 242
#DEFINE geoCountryUkraine 241
#DEFINE geoCountryUruguay 246
#DEFINE geoCountryUnitedStates 244
#DEFINE geoCountryVenezuela 249
#DEFINE geoCountryMultiCountry 39070
#DEFINE geoSegmentQuickest 0
#DEFINE geoSegmentShortest 1
#DEFINE geoSegmentPreferred 2
#DEFINE geoMoveToTop 0
#DEFINE geoMoveToBottom 1
#DEFINE geoMoveUp 2
#DEFINE geoMoveDown 3
#DEFINE adEmpty 0
#DEFINE adTinyInt 16
#DEFINE adSmallInt 2
#DEFINE adInteger 3
#DEFINE adBigInt 20
#DEFINE adUnsignedTinyInt 17
#DEFINE adUnsignedSmallInt 18
#DEFINE adUnsignedInt 19
#DEFINE adUnsignedBigInt 21
#DEFINE adSingle 4
#DEFINE adDouble 5
#DEFINE adCurrency 6
#DEFINE adDecimal 14
#DEFINE adNumeric 131
#DEFINE adBoolean 11
#DEFINE adError 10
#DEFINE adUserDefined 132
#DEFINE adVariant 12
#DEFINE adIDispatch 9
#DEFINE adIUnknown 13
#DEFINE adDate 7
#DEFINE adDBDate 133
#DEFINE adDBTime 134
#DEFINE adDBTimeStamp 135
#DEFINE adChar 129
#DEFINE adVarChar 200
#DEFINE adLongVarChar 201
#DEFINE adWChar 130
#DEFINE adVarWChar 202
#DEFINE adLongVarWChar 203
#DEFINE adBinary 128
#DEFINE adVarBinary 204
#DEFINE adLongVarBinary 205
#DEFINE adChapter 136
#DEFINE adFileTime 64
#DEFINE adDBFileTime 137
#DEFINE adPropVariant 138
#DEFINE adVarNumeric 139
#DEFINE geoFieldSkipped 0 && None
#DEFINE geoFieldName 1 && Name
#DEFINE geoFieldName2 2 && Name line 2
#DEFINE geoFieldAddress1 3 && Address line 1
#DEFINE geoFieldAddress2 4 && Address line 2
#DEFINE geoFieldAddress3 5 && Address line 3
#DEFINE geoFieldCity 6 && City
#DEFINE geoFieldRegion3 8 && Europe only: ie Italian Provincia
#DEFINE geoFieldRegion2 9 && US County, French Departement
#DEFINE geoFieldRegion1 10 && ie US State, Canadian Province, Swiss Kanton
#DEFINE geoFieldPostal1 11 && Postal code 1 - most granular (i.e. ZIP, CAP)
#DEFINE geoFieldPostal2 12 && Postal code 2
#DEFINE geoFieldPostal3 13 && Postal code 3
#DEFINE geoFieldPostal4 14 && Postal code 4 - least granular
#DEFINE geoFieldCountry 15 && Country
#DEFINE geoFieldCensus1 16 && Census subdiv 1 - most granular (i.e. Census Tract)
#DEFINE geoFieldCensus2 17 && Census subdiv 2 - ie MSA
#DEFINE geoFieldOSGridRef 19 && British OS grid reference
#DEFINE geoFieldLatitude 20 && Latitude
#DEFINE geoFieldLongitude 21 && Longitude
#DEFINE geoFieldInformation 22 && Note field
#DEFINE geoFieldData 23 && User Defined - Data Mapping Field
#DEFINE geoDisplayNone 0
#DEFINE geoDisplayName 1
#DEFINE geoDisplayBalloon 2
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypeDefault -1
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypeNone 0
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypeShadedArea 1
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypeSizedCircle 2
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypeShadedCircle 3
#DEFINE geoDataMapTypePushpin 4
#DEFINE geoShowByZoomLevel -2
#DEFINE geoShowByDefault -1
#DEFINE geoShowByLatLong 5
#DEFINE geoShowByOSGridRef 6
#DEFINE geoShowByStreetAddress 7
#DEFINE geoShowByCity 8
#DEFINE geoShowByCensus1 9
#DEFINE geoShowByCensus2 10
#DEFINE geoShowByPostal1 12
#DEFINE geoShowByPostal2 13
#DEFINE geoShowByPostal3 14
#DEFINE geoShowByPostal4 15
#DEFINE geoShowByRegion3 16
#DEFINE geoShowByRegion2 17
#DEFINE geoShowByRegion1 18
#DEFINE geoShowByCountry 19
#DEFINE geoCombineByDefault -1
#DEFINE geoCombineByNone 0
#DEFINE geoCombineByAdd 1
#DEFINE geoCombineByAverage 2
#DEFINE geoCombineByCount 3
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeDefault -1
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeContinuous 1
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeContinuousLog 2
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeDiscreteEqualRanges 3
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeEqualDataPoints 4
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeDiscreteLogRanges 5
#DEFINE geoRangeTypeUniqueValues 6
#DEFINE geoRangeOrderDefault -1
#DEFINE geoRangeOrderLowToHigh 1
#DEFINE geoRangeOrderHighToLow 2
#DEFINE geoMapStyleRoad 0
#DEFINE geoMapStyleRoadData 1
#DEFINE geoMapStyleData 2
#DEFINE geoMapStyleTerrain 3
#DEFINE geoMapStylePolitical 4
#DEFINE geoMapFontLargest 0
#DEFINE geoMapFontLarger 1
#DEFINE geoMapFontMedium 2
#DEFINE geoMapFontSmaller 3
#DEFINE geoMapFontSmallest 4
#DEFINE geoFormatMap 0
#DEFINE geoFormatTemplate 1
#DEFINE geoFormatHTMLMap 2
#DEFINE geoFormatHTMLDirections 3
#DEFINE geoFormatHTMLMapAndDirections 4
#DEFINE geoPrintMap 0
#DEFINE geoPrintDirections 1
#DEFINE geoPrintTurnByTurn 2
#DEFINE geoPrintStripMaps 3
#DEFINE geoPrintSelectedArea 4
#DEFINE geoPrintHighlightedPlaces 5
#DEFINE geoPrintQualityNormal 0
#DEFINE geoPrintQualityDraft 1
#DEFINE geoPrintQualityPresentation 2
#DEFINE geoPrintPortrait 0
#DEFINE geoPrintLandscape 1
#DEFINE geoFindDefault 0
#DEFINE geoFindAddress 1
#DEFINE geoFindPlace 2
#DEFINE geoFindLatLong 3
#DEFINE geoFindOSGrid 4
#DEFINE geoWindowStateMaximize 0
#DEFINE geoWindowStateMinimize 1
#DEFINE geoWindowStateNormal 2
#DEFINE geoMiles 0
#DEFINE geoKm 1
#DEFINE geoPaneLegend 0
#DEFINE geoPaneRoutePlanner 1
#DEFINE geoPaneNearbyPlaces 2
#DEFINE geoPaneNone 3
#DEFINE geoMapNorthAmerica 1
#DEFINE geoMapEurope 2
#DEFINE geoImportFirstRowIsHeadings 0
#DEFINE geoImportFirstRowNotHeadings 1
#DEFINE geoImportExcelA1 0
#DEFINE geoImportExcelR1C1 2
#DEFINE geoImportAccessTable 0
#DEFINE geoImportAccessQuery 4
#DEFINE geoImportExcelSheet 0
#DEFINE geoImportExcelNamedRange 4

*!* Create a textfile for us to use as our data
LOCAL lcData, lcFile, lcMessage
lcMessage = "WORKING: 10% " + Replicate("|",5)
set message TO lcMessage
lcData = '"AK" 777.30' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"AL" 3578.05' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"AR" 244.50' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"AZ" 5654.00' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"CA" 25044.90' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"CO" 3609.25' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"CT" 12929.15' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"DE" 5729.10' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"FL" 5698.15' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"GA" 9360.55' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"HI" 790.50' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"IA" 7849.90' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"ID" 1021.90' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"IL" 21201.10' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"IN" 5954.50' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"KS" 1155.45' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"KY" 1683.35' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"LA" 3080.00' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MA" 13330.05' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MD" 1829.60' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"ME" 448.05' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MI" 7181.65' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MN" 35257.25' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MO" 1722.35' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MS" 1020.50' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"MT" 162.30' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NC" 17925.10' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NE" 4288.60' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NH" 2455.30' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NJ" 12089.65' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NM" 490.20' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"NY" 24278.00' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"OH" 10402.75' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"OK" 1568.85' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"OR" 10865.95' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"PA" 12576.95' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"RI" 1552.75' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"SC" 4595.05' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"SD" 206.70' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"TN" 3365.35' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"TX" 26507.10' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"VA" 3457.00' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"VT" 1422.60' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"WA" 9772.75' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"WI" 5584.55' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"WV" 153.90' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
'"WY" 210.60'
lcFile = ADDBS(SYS(2023)) + "_"+SUBSTR(SYS(2015), 4) + ".txt"

lcMessage = "WORKING: 25% " + Replicate("|",12)
set message TO lcMessage
*!* Real work begins here
PUBLIC oMap, oDataSet, oDataMap
LOCAL sTempDirectory, sDataSource

sDataSource = lcFile
oMap = CREATEOBJECT('mappoint.application')
lcMessage = "WORKING: 40% " + Replicate("|",20)
set message TO lcMessage
oDataSet = oMap.ActiveMap.DataSets.ImportData(sDataSource, , geoCountryUnitedStates, geoDelimiterTab)
lcMessage = "WORKING: 60% " + Replicate("|",30)
set message TO lcMessage
oField = oDataSet.Fields(2) &&Values in second field
oDataMap = oDataSet.DisplayDataMap(geoDataMapTypeShadedArea, oField, geoShowByZoomLevel, geoCombineByNone, ;
geoRangeTypeDiscreteEqualRanges, geoRangeOrderHighToLow, 15, 8)
lcMessage = "WORKING: 80% " + Replicate("|",40)
set message TO lcMessage
oDataMap.LegendTitle = "Sales Totals by State"
lcMessage = "WORKING: 100% " + Replicate("|",50)
set message TO lcMessage
set message to
oMap.Visible= .T.
Erase (lcFile)
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Part and Inventory Search
