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How to bypass the limitation of 16,383 of Excel

COM and Automation

How to bypass the limitation of 16,383 of Excel

by  Mike Gagnon  Posted    (Edited  )
* Program...........: Copy2xls.prg
* Author............: Daniel Gramunt
* Project...........: common
* Created...........: 11.10.2000 17:25:06
*) Description.......: Replacement for the native COPY TO TYPE XL5 command.
*) : Excel 5 and Excel 95 have a limit of 16,383 rows per worksheet.
*) : The limit in Excel 97 and Excel 2000 is 65,536 rows.
*) : Since there is no TYPE XL8 command, VFP copies only the first 16,383 records.
*) :
*) : This program works around this limitation and allows to copy as many
*) : records as the Excel version used on the user's machine supports.
*) :
*) : The solution is very simple:
*) : 2. Open CSV file and SaveAs(tcExcelFile) using Automation
*) :
*) : Assumes that MS Excel (Excel 97 or higher) is installed on the
*) : user's machine (well, it will also work with Excel 5.0 and 95, but of
*) : course the limit of 16,383 will apply).
*) :
*) : Returns the number of exported records if successful, otherwise:
*) : -1 = parameter missing or wrong type
*) : -2 = no table open in current workarea
*) : -3 = number of max. Excel rows exceeded
*) : -4 = user didn't want to overwrite existing Excel file (SET SAFETY = ON)
*) :
*) : Performance note: The COPY TO command in VFP works very fast compared to
*) : anything that involves automation. However, since we use
*) : automation only to open the exported file and to save it
*) : under a different format, there is almost no performance
*) : penalty.
*) :
* Calling Samples...: Copy2Xls("c:\temp\bidon.xls")
* Parameter List....: tcExcelFile - Path\Filename of the Excel file to be created.
* : [tlDbf] - Specifies which TYPE to use with the COPY TO command:
* : .t. = TYPE FOX2X
* : .f. = TYPE CSV
* : Default = .f.
* : There are some differences between FOX2X and CSV. Depending on the
* : data to be copied, you can now specify which method to use.
* : See the remarks below for a description of the differences between
* : the two methods.
* : [tlNoFieldNames] - By default, the first row of the Excel sheet contains the
* : fieldnames. If tlNoFieldNames is .t., the Excel sheet contains
* : only the data.
* :
* Major change list.: 26.10.2000: COPY TO FOX2X and SaveAs(< tcExcelFile >) instead of
* : "assembling" individual Excel files.
* : Thanks to an idea from ¦etin Bas÷z on the UT
* : 12.04.2000: COPY TO CSV instead of FOX2X.
* : FOX2X has the following limitations:
* : - problem with codepage 850 (e.g. character "p")
* : - doesn't support long fieldnames (work around would be easy though)
* : - doesn't support datetime
* : CSV has none of the above problems, but has some other
* : limitations:
* : - logical fields are translated into F/T vs FALSE/TRUE.
* : This isn't a problem, but to keep things consistent, we
* : don't use the native COPY TO TYPE XL5 anymore for tables
* : with a record count below the limitation.
* : - If a character field contains only digits and the value
* : contains leading zeros, Excel translates this into a
* : numeric value (e.g. "00000100" => 100). This could be a
* : problem, specially if the field is a PK and you later
* : import the Excel file back into VFP.
* : - [New 04.06.2001]
* : If a character field contains double quotes and/or commas,
* : the result gets messed-up:
* :
* : - VFP ------------------------------------------ - Excel -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remarks -----------------------------------
* : cDesc1 cDesc2 cDesc1 cDesc2 Next Field
* : ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------
* : Rotating seal 1" Bibus:Deublin model 55 Rotating seal 1",Bibus:Deublin model 55" cDesc2 appended to cDesc1, all other fields
* : are shifted to the left by one
* :
* : Bush 7/16" D=15/4,75 L=86,4 Bush 7/16",D=15/4 75 L=86 4" part of cDesc2 appended to cDesc1 (text until
* : 1st comma), the remaining text until the next
* : comma stays in cDesc2, the text after the
* : second comma is moved to field3, after that,
* : every field is shifted to the right by one
* :
* : 04.06.2001 New parameters < tlDbf > and < tlNoFieldNames > added
LPARAMETER tcExcelFile, tlDbf, tlNoFieldNames


#DEFINE xlWorkbookNormal      -4143     && used by SaveAs() to save in current Excel version
#DEFINE ccErrorNoParameter    "Parameter < tcExcelFile > : Parameter missing or wrong type (Expecting 'C')"
#DEFINE ccErrorNoTableOpen    "No table is open in the current workarea"
#DEFINE ccErrorToManyRows     "Number of records (" + ;
                              ALLTRIM(TRANSFORM(lnRecords, "999,999,999")) +;
                              ") exceed max. number of Excel rows (" -;
                              ALLTRIM(TRANSFORM(lnXlsMaxNumberOfRows, "999,999,999"))+;

*-- check parameter
IF VARTYPE(tcExcelFile) <> "C" OR EMPTY(tcExcelFile)
   WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ccErrorNoParameter
   RETURN -1
   tcExcelFile = ForceExt(tcExcelFile, "XLS")

*-- make sure that we have a table/cursor in the selected workarea
   WAIT WINDOW NOWAIT ccErrorNoTableOpen
   RETURN -2

LOCAL loXls, lnXlsMaxNumberOfRows, lnRecords, lnRetVal, lcTempDbfFile

loXls = CREATEOBJECT("excel.application")
*-- suppress Excel alerts and messages (similar to SET SAFETY OFF)
loXls.DisplayAlerts = .f.
*-- get number of max. rows from Excel. Before we can count the rows in a
*-- worksheet, we need to add a workbook.
lnXlsMaxNumberOfRows = loXls.ActiveWorkBook.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count - 1 && 1 header row

lnRecords = RECCOUNT()

*-- check if the number or records exceeds Excel's limit
IF lnRecords > lnXlsMaxNumberOfRows
   *-- close Excel
   RETURN -3

*-- respect SET SAFETY
IF SET("SAFETY") = "ON" AND FILE(tcExcelFile)
   IF MESSAGEBOX(tcExcelFile + " already exists, overwrite it?",;
      *-- user selected < No > so we bail out
      *-- close Excel
      RETURN -4

IF tlDbf
   lcTempDbfFile = AddBs(SYS(2023)) + SYS(3) + ".DBF"
   COPY TO (lcTempDbfFile) TYPE FOX2X AS 850
   lcTempDbfFile = AddBs(SYS(2023)) + SYS(3) + ".CSV"
   COPY TO (lcTempDbfFile) TYPE CSV

lnRetVal = _TALLY

*-- open exported CSV file

IF tlNoFieldNames

*-- save as Excel file
loXls.ActiveSheet.saveAs(tcExcelFile, xlWorkbookNormal)

*-- delete CSV file
IF FILE(lcTempDbfFile)
   DELETE FILE (lcTempDbfFile)

*-- close Excel


Mike Gagnon
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