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How can I delete more than one file (DEL *.*)?

Utility Program

How can I delete more than one file (DEL *.*)?

by  wgcs  Posted    (Edited  )
While DELETE FILE will only do one file at a time, it's relatively simple to cycle through all the files found that match a given filemask / skeleton. I'm sure you could write this for yourself, but it's always easier to use existing code then think it through again!

This function returns 0 if it successfully deletes all files that match pcMask. If any files can't be deleted, the number of files that couldn't be deleted is returned.

This function should never throw an error, even if some files are in use.

PROCEDURE Del( pcMask )
* Del( Skeleton )
LOCAL lcPath, lcFile, lnRes, lnDelRes
  lnRes = 0

  DECLARE INTEGER DeleteFile IN kernel32 ;
    STRING lpFileName

  lcPath = ADDBS(JUSTPATH(pcMask))
  lcFile = sys( 2000, pcMask )      && Locate first file with this mask.
  do while .Not. Empty( lcFile )
    delete FILE(lcPath+lcFile)
    lnDelRes = DeleteFile(pcFile)
    if lnDelRes=0
      lnRes = lnRes+1
    lcFile = sys( 2000, pcMask, 1 )  && find next matching file.

PROCEDURE SafeDel( pcFile )
* Delete a file without throwing an error.
DECLARE INTEGER DeleteFile IN kernel32 ;
  STRING lpFileName
res = DeleteFile(pcFile)
RETURN res<>0
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