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[i]--This is a simple, finite table concatenation
--Assumes CustID is Identity/PK/Unique identifier[/i]
Select Name, cp.Phone + ' / ' + cp1.Phone as Phone
from CustName cn
join CustPhone cp
on cn.CustID = cp.CustID
left outer join CustPhone cp1
on cn.CustID = cp1.CustID
[i]--Second join is left outer because not all customers
--will have a cell phone[/i]
If exists (Select * from tempdb.sys.objects where type = 'U' and [name] like '#PKConcat%')
Drop Table #PKConcat
[i]--Makes sure temp table doesn't already exist in this session and deletes it if it does[/i]
Create Table #PKConcat (TableName varchar(200),
PKCols varchar(800) Default '', CntCols int Default 0, RowDone bit Default 0)
[i]--Creates temp table for storing values. Defaults bit value to FALSE, column string (PKCols) to blank,
--and the column count for each line (CntCols) to 0[/i]
Insert into #PKConcat (TableName)
(Select Distinct [name]
from sys.objects
where type = 'U'
and [name] <> 'dtproperties')
[i]--Inserts all user created tables into temp table. Defaults from Create statement are applied[/i]
Update pkc
Set CntCols = A.CntCols
from #PKConcat pkc
join (Select Distinct t.table_name, Max(k.Ordinal_Position) as CntCols
from Information_Schema.Table_Constraints t
JOIN Information_Schema.Key_Column_Usage k
ON t.Constraint_Name = k.Constraint_Name
Group By t.Table_Name) A
on pkc.TableName = a.Table_Name
[i]--For each table name, the highest column # (ordinal_position) is taken as a value for
--how many columns are involved in the Primary Key[/i]
Declare @CntDown int, @TableCnt int, @TblName varchar(200)
[i]--Declare variables for below looping[/i]
Set @CntDown = 0
Set @TblName = ''
[i]--Want to make sure the countdown for the columns is initialized as zero and the tablename is
--initialized as blank so nothing weird happens in the below code[/i]
Set @TableCnt = (Select Distinct Count(TableName)
from #PKConcat)
[i]--Sets the table counter with the total of table names in the temp table[/i]
While @TableCnt > 0 [i]--while we still have tables to process[/i]
Set @CntDown = (Select Top 1 CntCols from #PKConcat where RowDone = 0)
Set @TblName = (Select Top 1 TableName from #PKConcat where RowDone = 0)
[i]--Sets countdown value with the max # of columns for this specific table
--Sets "current" table name[/i]
While @CntDown > 0 [i]--While we still have columns to process[/i]
Update pkc
Set PKCols = ltrim(PKCols) + ' ' + (Select Distinct k.Column_Name
from Information_Schema.Table_Constraints t
JOIN Information_Schema.Key_Column_Usage k
ON t.Constraint_Name = k.Constraint_Name
Where t.Table_Name = @TblName
and k.Ordinal_Position = @CntDown
and t.Constraint_Type = 'Primary Key')
from #PKConcat pkc
Where TableName = @TblName
[i]--The above Select a column name and adds it to the string with two spaces between each column
Set @CntDown = @CntDown - 1
[i]--Subtract 1 from our column count to make sure While Loop will actually end[/i]
Update #PKConcat
Set RowDone = 1
Where RowDone = 0 and TableName = @TblName
[i]--Set bit flag indicating this row in temp table has been processed[/i]
Set @TableCnt = @TableCnt - 1
[i]--Subtract 1 from our table count to make sure outer While Loop will actually end[/i]
Update #PKConcat
Set PKCols = 'No Primary Key on this Table'
where PKCols is NULL
or PKCols = ' '
[i]--Updates tables with a NULL or blank PKCols values to reflect there is no Primary Key available[/i]
Select TableName, ltrim(PKCols)
from #PKConcat
[i]--Selects result set and trims the left-side blanks on the single column value PKCol strings[/i]
Drop Table #PKConcat
[i]--Drops the temp table[/i]