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General Access FAQs from Microsoft


General Access FAQs from Microsoft

by  elizabeth  Posted    (Edited  )
Following is a Table of Contents for FAQs on the Microsoft Site. If you've landed here as the result of a search, please check below to see if your answer is already answered at these locations.

Table of Contents for Access 2000 Frequently Asked Questions http://support.microsoft.com/support/access/content/faq/faq2000.asp

1. Why do I get the error, "Microsoft Access can't open or convert this previous version
database", when I try to convert a secured Access database?
2. Why do I get the error, "The Visual Basic for Applications project in the database is
corrupt", when I try to convert my database to Access 2000?
3. How do I install the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)?
4. Why aren't the changes that I made to a custom toolbar saved?
5. Why do I get the error, "You do not have exclusive access to the database at this time" or " A link to this data access page could not be created because thedatabase cannot be exclusively locked", when I try to save design changes.
6. How do I migrate from Microsoft« Data Access Objects (DAO) to Microsoft ActiveX« Data Objects (ADO) or get information about using ADO with the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet (Jet Provider).

Table of Contents for various Access 97, although some materal also relates to other versions: http://support.microsoft.com/support/access/content/faq/faq97.asp

Setup and Conversion

1. What are the hardware requirements for Microsoft Access 97?
2. Can I install and run Microsoft Access 97 on the same computer as Microsoft Access for Windows 95 or an earlier version?
3. I do not see any drivers for Paradox, Lotus 1-2-3, or Microsoft Exchange/OutlookÖ. How can I install them?
4. Can Microsoft Access 97 open or convert databases created with earlier versions of Access?
5. Can I run my Microsoft Access 97 database in an earlier version of Access?
6. How do I convert 16-bit API calls to 32-bit API calls?
7. How do I convert from the Data Outline control to the Treeview ActiveX control?

Internet Features

1. Can I publish my Microsoft Access 97 database to the World Wide Web?
2. When I publish Access objects to the Web, which browser and server must I use to view and store the pages?
3. How can I install ASP on my Web server?
4. How can I verify that ASP is installed correctly on my Web server?
5. What WWW Directory Access permissions are required to view HTML, IDC, or ASP files on my Web server?
6. What permissions do I need on my Internet Information Server (IIS) to use Internet Database Connector (IDC) files or Active Server Page (ASP) files from an Access database?

General Usage

1. How should I design my database?
2. How can I optimize queries to get the best performance?
3. How can I create an expression to extract a portion of a text field?
4. How do I store calculated values in a table?
5. How can I delete duplicate records from a table?
6. How do I update one table with information from another table?
7. How can I calculate Date/Time data to display specific dates or elapsed time?
8. How do I use a combo box or list box to find a record in a form?
9. How do I use a multi-select list box to filter a form?
10. How can I have a second combo box that lists certain items based upon what I select in the first combo box?
11. How do I create a button on a form that will print the current record?
12. How do I create a button on a form that will print the filtered records?
13. How can I get the value of a field from the next or previous record?
14. How do I sum a calculated control in a report?


1. How can I control Access from another application?
2. How can I send the current record to a Microsoft Word document?
3. How can I send the current record to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet?
4. How can I link to a Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Exchange folder?
5. How can I run Microsoft Outlook from Access?
6. How can I add an appointment to Microsoft Outlook from Access?
7. How can I add a task/reminder to Microsoft Outlook from Access?
8. Which ODBC driver do I use, and where can I get it?
9. How can I get the best performance when using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources with Access?
10. How can I create an SQL pass-through query in code?


1. How can I resolve the "This feature isn't installed" or the "Microsoft Access Can't 2. Find the Wizard.." error message that I get when trying to use a wizard?
2. I receive #Error? in a control when I run my form or report. What does this mean?
3. Why is my calculated control blank?
4. I am using the DLookup() function to look up a value in a table or query, but it is not
5. working correctly. How can I troubleshoot this expression?
6. How do I debug my Visual Basic for Applications code?

Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition (ODE)

1. What is the Microsoft Office 97 Developer Edition (ODE)?
2. What are the differences between the retail and run-time versions of Microsoft Access?
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