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Function to translate numbers (like 100) to words (like "one hundred")

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Function to translate numbers (like 100) to words (like "one hundred")

by  JimConrad  Posted    (Edited  )
Function NumberToWords(InputNumber As Double, Optional NeedCents As Boolean = False) As Variant

Dim varWords As Variant
Dim Billions As Double
Dim Millions As Double
Dim Thousands As Double
Dim Hundreds As Double
Dim Cents As Integer
Dim varNumber As Variant

Dim OneBillion As Double

If Not IsNumeric(InputNumber) Then
NumberToWords = Null
Exit Function
End If

If InputNumber = 0 Then
NumberToWords = "Zero "
Exit Function
End If

Cents = (InputNumber - Int(InputNumber)) * 100

InputNumber = Int(InputNumber)

OneBillion = 1000000000

Billions = Int(InputNumber / OneBillion)

Millions = InputNumber - (Billions * OneBillion)
Millions = Int(Millions / 1000000)

Thousands = InputNumber - (Billions * OneBillion) - (Millions * 1000000)
Thousands = Int(Thousands / 1000)

Hundreds = InputNumber - (Billions * OneBillion) - (Millions * 1000000) - (Thousands * 1000)

varWords = SmallNumberToWords(Billions) + "Billion, " & _
SmallNumberToWords(Millions) + "Million, " & _
SmallNumberToWords(Thousands) + "Thousand, " & _

If NeedCents Then
varWords = varWords & "And " & IIf(Cents < 10, "0" & Cents, Cents) & "/100"
End If

NumberToWords = varWords

End Function

Private Function SmallNumberToWords(SmallNumber As Double) As Variant

Dim Hundreds As Integer
Dim Tens As Integer
Dim Units As Integer
Dim HundredsWords As Variant
Dim TensWords As Variant
Dim UnitsWords As Variant

Hundreds = Int(SmallNumber / 100)
Tens = SmallNumber - (Hundreds * 100) ' Part 1 - Get rid of hundreds
Tens = Int(Tens / 10) * 10 ' Part 2 - Truncate Units
Units = (SmallNumber - (Hundreds * 100)) - Tens

If Tens <= 19 Then
Tens = Tens + Units
Units = 0
End If

Select Case Hundreds
Case 1: HundredsWords = "One Hundred "
Case 2: HundredsWords = "Two Hundred "
Case 3: HundredsWords = "Three Hundred "
Case 4: HundredsWords = "Four Hundred "
Case 5: HundredsWords = "Five Hundred "
Case 6: HundredsWords = "Six Hundred "
Case 7: HundredsWords = "Seven Hundred "
Case 8: HundredsWords = "Eight Hundred "
Case 9: HundredsWords = "Nine Hundred "
Case Else: HundredsWords = Null
End Select

Select Case Tens
Case 1: TensWords = "One "
Case 2: TensWords = "Two "
Case 3: TensWords = "Three "
Case 4: TensWords = "Four "
Case 5: TensWords = "Five "
Case 6: TensWords = "Six "
Case 7: TensWords = "Seven "
Case 8: TensWords = "Eight "
Case 9: TensWords = "Nine "
Case 10: TensWords = "Ten "
Case 11: TensWords = "Eleven "
Case 12: TensWords = "Twelve "
Case 13: TensWords = "Thirteen "
Case 14: TensWords = "Fourteen "
Case 15: TensWords = "Fifteen "
Case 16: TensWords = "Sixteen "
Case 17: TensWords = "Seventeen "
Case 18: TensWords = "Eighteen "
Case 19: TensWords = "Nineteen "
Case 20: TensWords = "Twenty "
Case 30: TensWords = "Thirty "
Case 40: TensWords = "Forty "
Case 50: TensWords = "Fifty "
Case 60: TensWords = "Sixty "
Case 70: TensWords = "Seventy "
Case 80: TensWords = "Eighty "
Case 90: TensWords = "Ninety "
Case Else: TensWords = Null
End Select

Select Case Units
Case 1: UnitsWords = "One "
Case 2: UnitsWords = "Two "
Case 3: UnitsWords = "Three "
Case 4: UnitsWords = "Four "
Case 5: UnitsWords = "Five "
Case 6: UnitsWords = "Six "
Case 7: UnitsWords = "Seven "
Case 8: UnitsWords = "Eight "
Case 9: UnitsWords = "Nine "
Case Else: UnitsWords = Null
End Select

'Debug.Print "Hundreds " & Hundreds; HundredsWords
'Debug.Print "Tens " & Tens; TensWords
'Debug.Print "Ones " & Units; UnitsWords

SmallNumberToWords = HundredsWords & TensWords & UnitsWords

End Function

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