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Installed runtime application doesnt work on some machines

Installing Runtime

Installed runtime application doesnt work on some machines

by  StuMunro  Posted    (Edited  )
I have had a problems with parts of my access app not working correctly on machines without access installed when distributing using the ODE setup wizard. This included #Name? appearing on some fields on my reports.

The cause and solution was as follows.

I was planning on using MS Word to do a mail merge in a future version of my app and had some test code in a module and also had referenced the Word 8 Object library under Tools-References menu when viewing code.

The ODE setup wizard for distributing the application did not include the Word Object library automatically, assume because you would need word installed on target machine anyway.

When any code in the application is run Access appears to check the references each time and if any are missing then it doesnt run the code (or generates an error) even if it has nothing to do with the missing reference.

For the time being I removed the reference from my app and now it installs fine. I will have to add this reference to the setup wizard later even if the target machine will never have word installed, so my app will work without the mailmerge option.

Hope this helps someone as it took me a while to realize it was the word library causing the problem as I had checked all the other such as VBA and DAO, straight away. So check them all...

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