These instructions work for Crystal Reports 7 Maintenance Release 1 (MR1) being installed on Windows 10 Pro and Windows 7 Pro. Other combinations have not been tested.
Copy the installation files off the CD to a new folder on your hard drive.
Edit the win32\x86\setup.inf file and remove or comment out the two lines in the section [Database Access\ODBC\Microsoft SQLServer\@Winsys] that reference dbnmpntw.dll and sqlsrv32.dll
Create a shortcut to win32\x86\setup.exe, and change the properties of the shortcut (under the Compatibility tab) to
1. Run program in Compatibility Mode for Windows XP SP2 (or Windows 2000 if running Windows 7)
2. Run as Administrator
Run the shortcut, rebooting if prompted.
If Crystal is to be run as a standard user with non-admin rights, change registry and file permissions as follows:
1. Grant full access to HKLM\Software\Classes\CrystalReports
2. Grant full access to HKLM\Software\Classes\.rpt
3. Grant Modify (read/write) access to C:\Program Files\Seagate Software
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