Logging In û text console
Login as admin - goes to Linux Server Manager console
Login as root - goes to NuPoint text console
Login as root (NuPoint text console) then exit to the Linux command prompt #
From the Linux command prompt
To go back to NuPoint text console
# console
To go back to Linux Server Manager console
# su admin
To exit
# exit
To check the license status of the server
# db licensekeys show
Look for the Signature line which shows a long number (OK) or an error.
To view information about the server hardware and installed apps
#dmidecode |more
The |more will pipe it page by page. Space bar to page report, enter for line by line. Shows server hardware. This is also available in the MSL Server manager menu System Information
# getids -l
Shows all installed application blades
To Unlock the Web Console:
# unlocksona
To show line events (like event recorder)
# vccs
To show line events Message Waiting Indicator
# vccs -m
To bringup vccs menu
# vccs -h
To capture the vccs use a file or use putty logfile option 'printable output'
To shutdown NuPoint use normal shutdown procedure or from Linux:
# stopnpm
To start NuPoint service in Linux
# startnpm
To shutdown MSL from putty use:
#shutdown -h now
To monitor email/exchange activity between NPM and Exchange server
# cd /usr/vm/log/msblogs
# tail -n20 msblog.txt show 20 lines only
# tail -f msblog.txt will show log in real-time
# cd /var/log
# tail -f messages
To find a command type first few letters and press tab
To find the unlocksona command enter:
# unl <tab>
unlink unlockr unlocksona
To find a file if you cannot remember the path
To find the msblog.txt file
# find / -name msblog.txt
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