From RTC shell (RS-232 port or puTTY session to port 2002):
ò ps û Shows running process stacks and time they were started
ò ping ô(IP address)ö ,3 û ping from RTC processor to target address
ò arptabShow û displays ARP table (known IP hosts on local network)
ò iPVM_Stop û stops embedded VM
ò iPVM_Start û starts embedded VM
ò bootChange û change bootline parameters
ò reboot û reboots the RTC
ò ShowDspStatus û shows status of DSPÆs
ò mn3300_icp û Shows current running 3300 software release
ò swrevs - Shows current running 3300 software release
ò mipsEnvShow û (MXE only) shows config parameters of MIPS processor for internal L2 switch
Maintenance commands (ôMaintenance Commandsö screen of ESM or Telnet session to RTC IP address)
ò Reset System û restart the 3300 (Rel. 9.0 & up)
ò Swap û swap to inactive partition & reload from that software & database (Rel. 9.0 & up)
ò Show Status Alarms û Shows all active alarms
ò Show Faults Alarms û shows location of faults
ò Show Status DSP û Shows status of DSPÆs (Rel. 9.0 and up)
ò System Totals û Shows total number of trunks & lines configured on system
ò Programmed Reboot Display û shows programmed reboot settings
ò Programmed Reboot Schedule (day) (time) û sets up programmed reboot for desired day/time
ò Programmed Reboot Schedule (on)/(off) û turns on/off scheduled reboot
ò EDT Show Link Status PRI û Shows Layer 1 & Layer 2 stats of PRI on Embedded E1/T1 card, blue/red/yellow alarms on circuit and status of D-channel
ò Message Subsystem û shows status of message links to system components (ASUÆs, NSUÆs, Peripheral Cabinets, etc.)
ò CCS Trace Enable Continuous û turns on CCS (common channel signaling) tracing, displays call data sent/received over IP trunks, MSDN, and PRI links. (Resource intensive, must be disabled when done to avoid an unscheduled reboot of the 3300)
ò CCS Trace Disable û turns off CCS trace.
ò CP Service Day/Night1/Night2/Display û change service mode to Day/Night1/Night2, or displays current mode (Display is Rel. 9.0 and up)
ò Logs Read SMDR All Match [string] û Search SMDR data for any lines with matching criteria. String can be a DN, dialed digits, trunk number, date, or time.
ò Locate Number [string] û Locates number in system, if match exists.
ò Locate Feature Extension [DN] û Displays active features for DN given
ò DGT Trace [string] û traces digit string through ARS and returns routing followed
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