set echo off
-- sessIo.sql
-- Purpose: Display session I\O.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set pagesize 9999
set linesize 140
column username format a10
column sid format 999
column serial# format 99999
column actv format a2
column sess_mi format 9,999.9
column last format 9,999.99
column TotGets format 99,999.999
column phyRds format 999,999
column "KBSnt" format 9,999,999
column "Trips/s" format 999
column "KbSnt/s" format 99,999
column Trips format 99,999,999
column "B/trip" format 9,999,999
column hit_rat format 9,999
SELECT a.username, a.sid, a.serial#,
decode(a.status, 'ACTIVE', 'Y','INACTIVE', 'N') actv,
(sysdate-logon_time)*24*60 sess_mi,
a.last_call_et/60 "last",
c.value/1024 "KBSnt",
e.value "Trips",
e.value / ((sysdate - logon_time)*24*60*60) "Trips/s",
((8*c.value/1024)/((sysdate - logon_time)*24*60*60)) "KbSnt/s",
c.value/e.value "B/trip",
b.block_gets + b.consistent_gets TotGets,
b.physical_reads phyRds,
1-(physical_reads/(b.block_gets + b.consistent_gets)) hit_rat
FROM v$session a, v$sess_io b, v$sesstat c, v$statname d, v$sesstat e, v$statname f
WHERE a.sid = b.sid
AND a.sid = c.sid
AND c.statistic# = d.statistic#
AND d.name = 'bytes sent via SQL*Net to client'
AND a.sid = e.sid
AND e.statistic# = f.statistic#
AND f.name = 'SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client'
AND a.username is not null
AND (a.last_call_et < 3600 or a.status = 'ACTIVE')
AND sysdate - logon_time > 0
AND a.username != 'SYS'
AND (b.block_gets + b.consistent_gets) > 0
ORDER BY username
set echo on
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