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Color even and odd rows in a dbgrid a different color

Database Programming

Color even and odd rows in a dbgrid a different color

by  DelphiAaron  Posted    (Edited  )
Here's the OnDrawColumnCell event handler for a DBGrid control to color every second row in a different color.

procedure TGridForm.DBGridDrawColumnCell(Sender: TObject; const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState);
grid : TDBGrid;
row : integer;
grid := sender as TDBGrid;
row := grid.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo;
if Odd(row) then
grid.Canvas.Brush.Color := clSilver
grid.Canvas.Brush.Color := clDkGray;
grid.DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State) ;
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