The difference between a Client Socket and a Server Socket is:
A client Socket does an Aktive Connection.
A Server Socker waits passive for a Connection
The routines below have been tested with Windows NT and the C++-Builder, but special
C++ features are not used.
With small modifications they could be used in Unix environments.
#define NR_CONNECTIONS 3 // Maximum Number of allowed Connections Max 5
// could be passed to the routine as an Argument too
int tcp_accept(char *service,int port,char *emsg,unsigned int dllhandle)
service Service Name in the Service Table (required if Port = 0)
Port Port Number Required if service = empty
emsg Error Message (char[60] should be enough)
dllhandle Handle to winsock.dll (see netinit in Faq creating a Client socket)
unsigned long inaddr;
unsigned char hostname[20];
unsigned char buffer[4];
servent *sp;
int is;
hostent *hp;
sockaddr_in tcp_srv_addr;
int fd;
// Define DLL-Functions
struct servent FAR * PASCAL (FAR *gsbyname)(const char FAR* ,const char FAR *);
u_short PASCAL (FAR *htns) (u_short FAR);
struct hostent FAR * PASCAL (FAR *ghbyname)(const char FAR * name);
SOCKET PASCAL (FAR *sckt) (int FAR, int FAR, int FAR);
int PASCAL (FAR *bind) (SOCKET s,const struct sockaddr FAR *, int namelen);
int PASCAL (FAR *lstn) (SOCKET FAR, int backlog);
int PASCAL (FAR *ghsn) (char *, int len);
// If there is a Service number
sprintf(emsg,"tcp_open: must specify either service or port\n");
// define Socket as a listener
// NR_Connections gives the maximum allowed # of pending Connections.
// if there are more requests, the connections are refused.
// wait for a connection
// On this place usually there should be a way to get the IP-Address from the connecting
// host. The array saddr.sa_data[2] contains the IP of the connecting Host
// Create a independent Copy (fd1) of Socket fd
le = sizeof(saddr)
// If connection is ok create a new thread and pass handle fd1 to the the server function(netserver)
// in this function everything is handled. Don't forget to close all sockets after use
ih=(unsigned long *)CreateThread(NULL,0,netserver,fd1,0,&serverid);
// You can use the Handle fd1 like it is used on a Client Socket.
return 0;
Don't forget to close the socket after use by closesocket.
Closesocket is encapsulated in winsock.dll.
It is called:
CloseSocket(fd); where fd is a handle to the Socket (int)
The initilization is equivalent to the other winsock-functions.
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