1. Create the station to be use for the ring down.
2. Create the station that will ring when you pick up the ring down phone.
3. Create a ABBREVRIATED PERSON dial list for the station number in step one.
4. Assign the number of the station created in step two as the first entry in the ABBR-DIAL PERS list you are creating.
5. Go and modify the station in step 1. Add the person list one from step three (on page four) and set the hot line destination to use the list and the dial code entry.
display station 1070000 Page 4 of 4
Room: Headset? n
Jack: Speaker? n
Cable: Mounting: d
Floor: Cord Length: 0
Building: Set Color:
List1: personal 1 List2: List3: system
Abbreviated Dialing List Number (From above 1, 2 or 3): 1
Dial Code: 1
Line Appearance: call-appr
When you pick up the first phone, the second one should then ring. Have also made the ring down to call a hunt group or a vdn as well.
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