is there a way for an image to switch when the user drags it into a grid? for example-I have a 3-d shelf on the bottom-but when the user-puts in on the grid-I want it to show up as a straight line.
any ideas?
Have a multiframe movie clip with a different graphic on each frame - when you want the image to change just use a gotoAndStop() action to send the clip to the frame which contains the new image.
I'm not exactly understanding how to do it.
I want the same screen to remain-with just an additional image on the screen (I have many images that the user should drag on the grid and when they realease the button on the grid a different image (that corresponds to that image) should appear in it's place)-but I'm not sure where the user will put the image-so how can I do it with frames? I'm a newbie-so would appreciate technical help
thanks in advance
The draggable mc would have multiple frames with a stop(); in the first and the first frame would look how you want it to... when you drag it over have a hitstate fire off a this.gotoAndStop(2); Then in frame 2 you will have it look however you want... does that make sense?
I want the user-should keep on putting on items on the grid-and being able to remove them-so how many frames do I need? and I want the 2nd frame to look the same as the first one-with the 3-D items on the bottom-so where do I store the movieclips-that aren't 3-D (that I attach to grid after the user drags the 3-D item)?
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