I have a query with a column called datInstall (date). When I place the criteria of not null on it, a procedure where I use the query works fine:
(in the procedure)
rsQry.Open "qryPaySalesTax", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
When I change the criteria for that one column to:
Between [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtBegDat] And [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtEndDat]
I get the following error on the rsQry.Open line:
Error No: -2147217900
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
The query itself runs fine from the database window. I've looked at the SQL for the query and it seems OK - very, very long, but OK. (I'll post it the last thing).
Why does changing the criteria mess it up? I could (and have in the past, taken the SQL from the query and placed it into an SQL statement which I modify with VBA and then do rs.Open SQL
But I'd really rather not do that this time - this is for a report that will be changing a lot in the next month and it would be easier to modify a query than the code (although if it breaks every time, maybe that's not true)
Here's the SQL:
SELECT qryPayBaseOrder.datInstall, tblCustomer.strCustState, tblCustomer.strCounty, tblCustomer.strCustCity, IIf(IsNull([strCustZip]),"",Left([strCustZip],5)) AS Zip, tblCustomer.blnCounty, GetTaxAuth([strCustCity],[strCounty],[Zip],[blnCounty]) AS TaxAuth, GetTaxKey([strCustCity],[strCounty],[Zip],[blnCounty]) AS TaxKey, qryPayBaseOrder.TotalNonTaxable, qryPayBaseOrder.TotalTaxable, qryPayBaseOrder.SalesTax, IIf(IsNull([numStateTaxRate]),0,[numStateTaxRate]) AS StateTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numCityTaxRate]),0,[numCityTaxRate]) AS CityTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numCountyTaxRate]),0,[numCountyTaxRate]) AS CountyTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numDiscountTaxRate]),0,[numDiscountTaxRate]) AS DiscountTaxRate
FROM tblCustomer LEFT JOIN qryPayBaseOrder ON tblCustomer.autCustomerID = qryPayBaseOrder.lngCustomerID
WHERE (((qryPayBaseOrder.datInstall) Between [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtBegDat] And [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtEndDat]));
I have a query with a column called datInstall (date). When I place the criteria of not null on it, a procedure where I use the query works fine:
(in the procedure)
rsQry.Open "qryPaySalesTax", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
When I change the criteria for that one column to:
Between [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtBegDat] And [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtEndDat]
I get the following error on the rsQry.Open line:
Error No: -2147217900
Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.
The query itself runs fine from the database window. I've looked at the SQL for the query and it seems OK - very, very long, but OK. (I'll post it the last thing).
Why does changing the criteria mess it up? I could (and have in the past, taken the SQL from the query and placed it into an SQL statement which I modify with VBA and then do rs.Open SQL
But I'd really rather not do that this time - this is for a report that will be changing a lot in the next month and it would be easier to modify a query than the code (although if it breaks every time, maybe that's not true)
Here's the SQL:
SELECT qryPayBaseOrder.datInstall, tblCustomer.strCustState, tblCustomer.strCounty, tblCustomer.strCustCity, IIf(IsNull([strCustZip]),"",Left([strCustZip],5)) AS Zip, tblCustomer.blnCounty, GetTaxAuth([strCustCity],[strCounty],[Zip],[blnCounty]) AS TaxAuth, GetTaxKey([strCustCity],[strCounty],[Zip],[blnCounty]) AS TaxKey, qryPayBaseOrder.TotalNonTaxable, qryPayBaseOrder.TotalTaxable, qryPayBaseOrder.SalesTax, IIf(IsNull([numStateTaxRate]),0,[numStateTaxRate]) AS StateTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numCityTaxRate]),0,[numCityTaxRate]) AS CityTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numCountyTaxRate]),0,[numCountyTaxRate]) AS CountyTaxRate, IIf(IsNull([numDiscountTaxRate]),0,[numDiscountTaxRate]) AS DiscountTaxRate
FROM tblCustomer LEFT JOIN qryPayBaseOrder ON tblCustomer.autCustomerID = qryPayBaseOrder.lngCustomerID
WHERE (((qryPayBaseOrder.datInstall) Between [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtBegDat] And [Forms]![frmFinReports]![txtEndDat]));