Give us more details. How are you using it? If you put it in a recordsource without the parentheses '=Date' then Access will put brackets around it and assume it's a field name '=[Date]'
It sounds like you have a global variable or a field named 'date' somewhere in your project which is causing an ambiguous reference. I've done that before and once I confused VB by using the reserved word as a variable, it wouldn't straighten out even after I deleted the variable.
Have you tried to compile the program to see if it will pinpoint what is making it angry?
As a last resort you could use:
myDate = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yy")
Sometimes this kind of behavior is caused by a missing reference. Open your references window and check to see if the word "MISSING" is next to any of your references.
Try using the cdate()function. Example: cdate("10/11/2002" This is a safe to use function for date validation and proper format when writing to an Access or SQL date field.
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