I have dumped the generated query to the screen and tried the query right in Access, so it does work. The database is in Access, I am using VB Script, on a Win XP box with IIS5 and FP 2k2 extensions.
Error Codes:
Error Type:
Unspecified error
/weddingSend.asp, line 179
My Code:
recSet.open tempStr, strConnect, adOpenStatic '--> This is line 179.
Error Codes:
Error Type:
Unspecified error
/weddingSend.asp, line 179
My Code:
strConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\Inetpub\CCLWeb\databases\webForm.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
tempStr = "SELECT '14' AS Size, sum([14]) AS tot FROM wedDetails WHERE [14m] LIKE 'AB' AND OrderID LIKE '" & nowJob & "'"
tempStr = tempStr & " UNION SELECT '20', sum([20]) AS tot FROM wedDetails WHERE [20m] LIKE 'AB' AND OrderID LIKE '" & nowJob & "'"
tempStr = tempStr & " UNION SELECT '24', sum([24]) AS tot FROM wedDetails WHERE [24m] LIKE 'AB' AND OrderID LIKE '" & nowJob & "'"
Response.Write tempStr & "<br />"
'RecSelectW tempStr
set recSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")