I have a couple of queries made where there are a limited possable number of searchable names.. What I would like to be able to do is have the user just select from a list of possable searches when the query is ran.
How about a form with a combobox for the names and then have a query taking the choice from the form and use it as criteria? In your query, on the criteria line underneath the appropriate field, you'd type something like:
[Forms]![Timeline_Input_Form]![mmcid] or in general
Note: The form must remain open. But you can hide it, or minimize it.
After they choose a name, you can have a command button to run the query which will pick up the needed info from the form.
Actually I guess that I would have to create a macro that runs the final query and closes the form that I used to select the information for the query after the query is finished?
I gave your suggestion a try but for some reason the query is not taking the criteria from the form fields. I will have to give it a try again tonight when I get home.
I'm not exactly sure what you're doing. You mean they check a box and that selection becomes criteria for a query?
The following code shows how to use an Option Group selection. Maybe you can figure out what you need.
[RptFrame] is the name of the Option Group
Case 1, 2, 3 are the options in the group in order top to bottom.
Dim WClause, RName
Select Case [RptFrame]
Case 1
WClause = "[DateOfLease] Between #" & _
Me![Start] & "# AND #" & _
Me![End] & "#"
RName = "Sales_And_Leasing_Rpt"
Case 2
WClause = "[FinalSettlementDate]is null"
RName = "Sales_And_Leasing_Rpt"
Case 3
WClause = "[FinalSettlementDate] Between #" & _
Me![Start] & "# AND #" & _
Me![End] & "#"
RName = "Sales_Report"
End Select
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