Run nsradmin. Then create a client like this:
nsradmin> create type: NSR client; name: abc
type: NSR client;
name: abc;
Create? y
created resource id
Of course you may have defined other attributes along with the command or you now can UPDATE them appropriately.
Use nsradmin for this, just type nsradmin to get into the prompt, then type the following wich will create a client
named "calvin" in group "Test2" with save set "All".
You can ofcourse modify all other attributes as well, same
as you can when you create a client from NW Admin.
Or, you can script it in a batch file and add %number to allow you execute the script and sending arguments to it.
Below is a very simple example of a batch file that does this. If you call the file "test.bat" you would execute it with "test.bat client_name group_name". The %1 variable is the first argument sent, i.e client_name, and %2 is the second, i.e group_name.
@echo off
echo create type:NSR client;name:%1;group:%2;save set:All > "%CD%\test.txt"
nsradmin -i "%CD%\test.txt"
del "%CD%\test.txt"
Sorry for the crosspost 605.. =)
yadnakis: An nice thing about running nsradmin -i inputfile is that you dont have to answer "y" to create the resource.
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