I would think each building has its own isolated ground . your electrician should be able to advise you. Sometimes transient voltages flow into the building on the groung wires. Had one experience of a radio channel comming in on the ground from another building in a strip mall...
I have worked with some guys who like to tone out cables later. Some other guys like to use different cable for voice and data ex. blus for data and white for phone.
I pre-fer to tone later than useing numbers
fiber optic or optic fiber ?
Microduct Fiber Optic would be the best .http://www.google.ca/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=hts&oq=&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SUNC_enCA392CA392&q=Microduct+Fiber+Optic
The standard is at the jack. Potts & 10 Base-T
you use a standard phone and computer works just fine just finished another house...
it was another clean up of somebody elses shoddy work.
and the buffoon used a staple gun lol http://www.contact-directconnect.com/the_competition.htm
hot water tanks have a 5000 watt heating element so don't get to close. leave the wires loose in the walls no staples or ties noboby can see them. Done this was you can use the cable as a pull string later to install something new and better...
I would think 10Base-T is the best home option
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