I am trying my first vb.net + nhibernate + mysql project using vb 2010 express on windows 8
I am getting below error in my log file
2013-05-15 11:00:27,312 [8] INFO - [Log4NetAssembly1] Form1_Load() - Start
2013-05-15 11:00:27,402 [8] ERROR - [Log4NetAssembly1] Form1_Load() - The...
Hello All
I have been asked to load data in oracle table using External Tables "approach" instead fof SQL Loader utility. I have been told External tables will be faster and I should not use SQL Loader for this work. Do the data file and the script loading the data into Oracle 11 G need to...
Is this what you are looking for?
mv *parts.* *score.*
mv *parts-1.* *violin.*
mv *parts-2.* *flute.*
mv *parts-3.* *oboe.*
mv *parts-4.* *clarinet.*
mv *parts-5.* *debug.*
If REC_SUPPLIER will only contain number and * and then just words or spaces then you could try the following
select TRANSLATE(rec_supplier, '*0123456789', ' ') as tidyname
I am sure some of the gurus here may have a better solution
I am assuming the values will be in sorted order. Else, sort the file in ascending order and lets call it mylogfile.txt.
Then you can write a sequence generator as given below and generate a file of sequences and call it seqs.txt.
awk -v START=$1 -v FINISH=$2 'BEGIN { for...
I got an expect script as below. I dont remember the poster. See how using set and [lindex] you can pass parameters. Is this what you were looking for?
#! /usr/bin/expect
spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0]
set password [lindex $argv 1]
set npasswor [lindex $argv 2]
expect "password:"
For the first file, I believe your ETL tool was run under a different ID and it did not give read or execute permission to your ID or group.
In teh second case, you created teh file, so obviously you can do anything with it.
You can send the ls -l output for that filename and some of teh...
I know you asked in Awk forum, but this uses all UNIX utilities :)
tr ">" "\n" < input|grep -v '^<'|cut -d"<" -f1|paste - -
and it gives the output you need:)
I have a file with many records of the same length. One type of record contains some special characters. I get it from another system. When I try to remove some unwanted records from the file, I am facing a problem. The problem is, that AWK thinks the special character is teh end of teh...
Here is a solution using cut, sed, and grep
mv user_list user_list.bak
cut -f 2 -d, Edit_new | sed 's/CN=/^/g' > memonly
grep -f memonly user_list.bak > user_list
rm memonly
rm user_list.bak
Tested on AIX 5.3 using ksh
I understand this question is asked in Oracle forum. But, I thought I will anyway suggest that data formatting be done before loading into a database. An awk/Perl script or a C or Java program or VB.NET (depending on operating system) can do the transformation.
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