I Have some script that creates radio buttons, it works fine in IE but not in FF.
The problem is that I can't seem to select the radio button, I click on it but it doesnt become checked. Here is a snippet of my code
var formComponent = document.createElement("input")...
I found this:
And really like how it works, I was wonering if someone could let me know how this could be done. I have manageed to write code to get a dragable div for another project, but for this one it would be cool if it had a scrolling pane in the...
I have some JS that creates a table
var docBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
var advancedSearchTable = document.createElement("table");
// Create a table row
var row =...
I was wondering if there was a way to force line wrapping in css or html. I want a cell to be a maximum of 200px, but sometimes the cell wraps round if a
is put into the cell.
I was wondeirng if there was a better way to do an if statement.
I am looping thorugh an array, and I want to check to see if the current value is equal to a certain string. Here is my code:
var advancedSearchTable = document.createElement("table");
var labels = new Array('Modifier'...
I was wondering if tehre was a way to create a style object and the use this to set the styles for a bunch of different components. For example:
var styleObject = new style();
styleObject.backgroundColor = '#000000';
var advancedSearchTable =...
That worked great, not only can I see all the contraints but you have now confrimed that the previous developer was an idiot :)
Thanks, this was great!
I was wondering if there was a way to align text to the center of a radio button, vertical-align:middle doesnt do anything, the text at the moment appears at the top or the bottom, and doesnt look great.
I have inheritied a database from a previous developer, however they did not document the contraints. I can view the contraints using:
select constraint_name, table_name, constraint_type from user_constraints;
and i get the following
I have writen a web app, but the users want another use case implemented for it. They want to be able to view files from LiveLink - this is a entrise web based file management system.
To do this, I need to use functions in the LiveLink API, this can be done in either Java or C++.
I was...
Getting date 7 days from another date.
I am using
use Date::Calc
And I was wondering if there was a function to allow me to get the date in 7 days from another date (a string the user inputs input teh script)
I have checked the documentation and can't really find anything and I am a bit...
I have been looking into how I can figure whether a user has stopped typing in a text box, but so far I havent found a decent solution.
Basically I need a way to run a function after I am sure the user has stopped typing in the text box (but while the text box is still in focus)
Is it possible to hide a div when the mouse is clicked anywhere on the page.
Basically I have a div popup that hovers by a form field when it has not been filled out, so when the user clicks anywhere else on the page, the div will disappear.
Cool, is there a way to hide content is script is enabled?
<noscript>no javascript enabled</noscript>
rest od document
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