I have a java web app running on a Tomcat server. And I am trying to call an RPG program that exists on an AS400 and pass it parms. I can do this with the CommandCall method and passing it an AS400 object. And then using the .run method to create a CL string to call an RPG program. The problem...
I have a program with a lot of SQL connections in it and although I know how to open, close, use, change, etc. I can't find a way to pull the DB name I am currently connected to. I have a service program with a log procedure in it that does SQL connects. What I want to do is when the "logger" is...
This is a small part of a program to show what I am trying to do...
D RunClCmd PR 10i 0 ExtProc('system')
D CmdString * Value
D Options(*String)
D ExpMsgId S 7...
I don't want to get third party software. I'm just wonder if it is possible to code this. Like send the Business Objects server parms to kick off the Report and email after completion. I know you can schedule the reports to run through the Business Objects Server, but can I trigger it to run...
I am fairly new to the software so please excuse my ignorance. I am automating a process that at the end I would like to pass parms to crystal and have it generate and email a report on it's own. Is this possible? If so, can someone point me in the right direction to research this? I am on...
I actually have the Scott Klement LIBHTTP on the iSeries here lol. I was looking through them but it's hard to follow the code. I basically want to fill out a form and hit the submit button without even bringing up a browser.
This is kind of a long shot, but I was thinking outloud and just wanted to see if anyone knew if this was possible or not.
I am automating a process that starts on the iSeries in ILe RPG. After this process starts I need to go to an intranet webpage and fill out a "Request for Services" to the...
That's not what I am looking for. I don't want to string out 20 fields like that. I was thinking something along the lines of:
D List DS ExtFmt(FileFormat)
D Record 500
D LibList 10 0 OVERLAY(Record:300) DIM(20)
But the ExtFmt is not valid...
I swear I knew a way to do this, but I can't remember it or find it. What I want to do:
There is a file, at the end of the record is a list of 20 fields, all defined the same. I want it so that as soon as I read a record, my array is populated with those 20 fields. I don't want to have to move...
OOO, I misunderstood the syntax then. I thought when it was true it would show "Bottom" (sflEND) and when it was false it would show "More...". I hope that works. Frustrating if I wasted all day on that to find out I had the wrong idea lol
But if I never turn it on, then the argument will always be true. Every time is displays the screen(granted I use N99) that condition will be true, meaning it will always display "Bottom".
If you don't put "pageup", "pagedown", "rollup", or "rolldown" on the display and you just fill the entire subfile before you display the screen, IBM will handle your paging up and down, but is there any way to get the "More..." and "Bottom" words to show up with the subfile when you do it this...
I am trying to use SQL to remotely change files on other machines. They exist on different libraries on different machines, so I HAVE to dynamically change the Library, and possibly file, so I need to PREPARE an SQL statement...but I am having some issues using fields in the PREPARE statement...
That is a lot of lines of code. 2 DS lines, 21 linse under the second DS, and then the move into the DS. I was looking for something more like MoveA Field(based on a Pointer) to Machine_ary kind of thing in free. 1 or 2 lines. can you think of anything smiilar?
Is there an easy way to do this, I have an SQL table set up like the folowing:
Create Table TRM003R (
"File Name" for Column "FILE" CHAR(10) Not NULL,
"File Library" for Column LIBRARY CHAR(10) Not NULL,
"Machine 1" for Column MACHINE1 CHAR(8) Not NULL,
Actually I got it, so I guess this will be for future reference for other people using it lol..changing it to this solved it.
D FileInfo DS Based(UsrSpcPtr)
D MaxMbrs 5i 0 Overlay(FileInfo:42)D CurMbrs 5i 0 Overlay(FileInfo:48)
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