I did as you said. While the TP name correctly calculates the amount of pages, THISP displays the same value 2 on every page. (was the "+1" in the formula redundant?)
Maybe I didn't explain my situation properly. The current page number (and total amount of pages) are not placed somewhere in...
I have an application that generates an Excel spreadsheet of varying length as a solid body with "Rows to repeat at top" marked as a header for multiple pages. It needs a number of current page and total amount of pages printed. Now, I know about a standard Excel header/footer feature in...
I feel stupid. I saw the Timer hundreds times when looking at the Form Controls toolbar, but it completely evaded me when I finally had need for it. Thanks!
I need my multy-user application to check certain database's records regularly (and possibly to react to their changing) regardless of whether the user is actively working with the app on his side or not or even if it's hanging in the background buried under other programs on desktop...
I have a situation similar to Roger's and I try to use the following:
STRTOFILE(output_string, file_name)
Still, lines added from the memo field seem to be truncated at 255. SET MEMOWIDTH didn't have any effect on this.
(I use VFP...
It does activate the form itself, which is not what I want. The inactive form should update but stay inactive unless I choose it manually (oh, and I won't issue a pair of SetFocus's for both grids as it'll call AfterRowColChange for another round and into an endless cycle).
You probably mean...
That's weird because I have an app right here on my hands where I did "DO FORM form.scx" without NAME and then addressed it by .scx's name with no authentication at all. [shrug] I will be doing it properly in future projects... but the fact stays.
I have two separate forms, each one with a grid. One of them in its AfterRowColChange does issue a Seek() on other's grid's table and makes that one refresh. So that while you choose between records in the active form, another is supposed to auto-update. It actually happens, and I can see...
I see. Would it be safe to assume that a form can be addressed straight by name (as an exception) if it was called from a main program, but needs a proper authentication if created elsewhere?
In my app, I once needed to make a calling form disappear for the time of child form being active and reappear when that one was killed. So I wrote
IF TYPE("ParentForm")="O"
in the child form's Init, and then a similar one with "show" in its Destroy. And it worked...
I need to perform a certain operation on all objects that a form contains (and no, SetAll method won't suffice). For this, I created a following method:
PROCEDURE recurfunc
PARAMETERS targetname as String
PRIVATE member as Object
&& ( the operation itself )
I have an application where I need the form to display a grid consisting of fields from several tables AND some additional fields that don't exist in any physical tables and only make sense in this particular form (and, sadly, they *can't* be simulated by calculated fields). The idea is, I...
I'm not, but not because I don't understand how it works. The reason why I had to renounce buffering is the fact that I don't want just to "change" data when somebody enters a new value for an existing record. I create a new record with the same ID, but keep the old one, setting the "obsolete"...
I know! Hence the bewilderment. I'm not going to discuss virtues of automatic buffering here; they're possibly plentiful. Point is, by all intentions, my solution might seem awfully clumsy, but it couldn't be anything but failproof. Except that it isn't, and I'd like to know why.
When having my own problems with dynamically filled comboboxes, I was advised to keep RowSourcetype = 1 and fill the list "manually":
select descrip AS descript, VAL(descrip) AS desc, * from sg_plan where BETWEEN(thisform.proposalrecord.effdtereq,EffDate,TermDate) ORDER BY desc into cursor...
I have an application that several people should be able to access at the same time to enter and modify data. After several attempts at buffering in various modes, and not really satisfied with results, I decided to go the longer way. The form used to enter data uses some dummy table in...
I have a sheet with a button with following script on it:
Range("TargetRange").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
ActiveSheet.ProtectI found that half of time the code throws a "1004: PasteSpecial method of Range class failed" error. After some...
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