I am the one who posted on vbaexpress... Both are very useful. I never thought those 2 forums were linked to each other! I actually found tips on one that are not on the other forum.
Why not? Probably because I am stupid and didn't think of it! ;-)
I just ran the code with your suggestion, and it seems to be working! So I just hope the part that checks if the shape contains other textboxes is correct... I will probably see it over time!
Thanks PHV!
I need to detect all textboxes in a Word document.
Basically, depending on my documents, I have several shapes of different types. Some of them are textboxes, others are of other types, which may also include textboxes inside. Still following me? ;-)
I have the following code, but the part that...
I updated the last line to
Progression.TextBox1.SelStart = Len(Progression.TextBox1.Value)
and everything is working as it should now...
Thanks all for your help! :-)
Well, I just added a DoEvents, as someone else in another forum pointed this too! Great minds, you rock Tony!
It seems to be working indeed! :-)
I still need to force the textbox to scroll down, though, when I am adding text. The current line
Progression.TextBox1.SelStart =...
I am running a macro in Word, doing in the background many modifications to the opened document. At the same time, the macro is updating a textbox displayed in the foreground window, to show all modifications done. This textbox acts a bit like a "progress window" when installing a new...
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