I have found this:
' Created by Assaf Miron
' Date : 26/11/06
' FindUsersOnRemoteComps.vbs
Const ForReading = 1
I have tried psloggedon, but it's not working and I need
a script that will look on AD to see if where a suer is logged on and not on every computer.
I am suprised that such a sript is not on the internet.
You would think that this is something every administrator need and has.
Hello people,
Can you help me with this.
I need a script which will show me on which computer a user is logged on.
If it's possible I would like to have a script with command box where the userid is filled in and
as answer I will get the computer name?
thx in advance
Hello Everyone,
I have question.
Is there a script which show all the online computers (from AD) and saves the output in an excel file?
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I have made a task deployment to remove 8.7 and install 8.5 and this works fine, but it seems that a lot of clients have antivirus 8.5, but the McShield services is disabled,
I don't know how big the problem is, but have the feeling about 50 percent where the service is disabled,
so I need to...
Hello people,
I am new to scripting and would like to learn a lot.
AT the moment it seems that a specific service (McShield)
is not running on some clients.
So I would like to create a script that will search every client that's online and report if the McShield service is disabled.
How can I...
thx, i ahve created a new deployment task which removes 8.7 and installs 8.5
only I have the problem that the mcafee mc shield services is diabled on a lot of clients with antivirus 8.5
Is there a way to know if the mcfee mcshield service is not running on the clients or is there a fix for this?
Hello everyone,
After installing,configuring our new Epo server, everythings seems to be running.
Only it seems that our clients machines are very slow on starting up (it takes 5minutes).
The problem is the antivirus scanner 8.7 and after downgrading it to 8.5 everythings seems to be working...
Hello Bram,
Thx for the reply.
I have seen the option Deployment task, but thought it was someonthing else after clicking on the next button I saw the option
thx very much....
Hello guys,
I have installed Epo 4.0 server and it works fine.
At the moment I am testing some machine's and I have installed mcafee agents on the clients through the epo server.
However the mcafee agents are installed, but not the virusscanner.
I have looked at all the options, but to no...
Thx a lot Joey!!!!
You have solved this issue.
Only I was wondering if it's possible to apply the restricted groups only on some computers (groups) and not on the whole network?
heee guys,
I have a problem on a couple of server (Server 2003) we need to give some local and domain account the local admin rights
for a couple of servers.
We can do this locally on the server, however if you update the policy, then then user I have put in the local admin group...
Thx a lot mate!!!!
It's more clear to me now.
At the moment we are testing the new epo server and are planning to deploy it on the whole network (700 clients).
Everything else is working except the automated installation, but that's also clear to me now.
Thank you for your effort.
Hello people,
I have just installed Epo 4.0 and also created a new system group. On purpuse I haven't deployed the agenst manually on the client.
Now I want that the epo server installs the agents on the client machines automaticly.
I have created 2 client task:
mcafee deployment agent
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