No he is not "absolutely accurate". He said:
That is not accurate. Outlook can send SMTP emails to Exchange. End of story.
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and Consulting Company
Its true you may need servers at the remote site. But you will never know unless you try. It might also be a good time to clamp down on all those expensive "big honkin' print job" (if they are unnecessary). It would be a good excuse to tell everyone they need to be more efficient with their...
-Like sniper said, the 80/20 split handles the high-availability. Both DHCP servers are allowed to hand out ipaddress for each subnet.
-The router modification is to allow all subnets use the 2 DHCP servers instead of having 40 DHCP servers(2 for each subnet).
-Like sniper said you shouldn't...
And I am talking about Outlook not in Exchange mode. Sniper said flat out:
This is not accurate. The fact is, Outlook can use SMTP to send email through Exchange.
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and Consulting Company
What are you talking about 58sniper? Outlook can use SMTP(port 25) for outgoing mail! In fact it isn't it the default?
Is Netbios disabled? Check in the network adapter TCP/IP property pages. I believe that if Netbios is disabled, than the server will not appear in "Network Nieghborhood"( I am not 100% sure about this). However, this would not account for it "showing up for a couple days".
If it is the case...
Why couldn't you set up 2 DHCP servers? One DHCP server that serves 80% of the all IP addreses in each subnet. The other DHCP server serves 20% of all the IP addresses in each subnet. Both serve all 20 subnets. Have the router forward the DHCP requests to both servers; which ever one is faster...
Did you mean "MS Outlook" when you said:
If so, Outlook is usually set up to send emails SMTP to the Exchange server. The exchange server then relays it to the Internet.
Is the local server Windows? If so you can install IIS/SMTP on the local server. I am not sure what you mean by "fake"...
did you check the event logs on the server and the client?
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and Consulting Company
Just try it without the servers at the remote site and see how everything holds up. You may be able to use QoS on your existing equipment to allow more important packets to go through with a higher priority. If it works out, get a backup network connection in case of a blackout.
Business and...
They will still be able to connect to the network even if the DHCP server goes down.
You may be able to use the router itself as a backup DHCP server.
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and Consulting Company
You do not need a dedicated DHCP server for each subnet. You can set your Router(If it has this functionality) to forward all DHCP requests to a single DHCP server. This DHCP server will be able to recognize which subnet the request can from and handle it appropriately...
I am a little unsure about exactly what you want to do.What if you did the following:
On server A, in the website, create a Virtual Directory called arcgis. When creating the Virtual Directory, it will ask for a path. Set the path to use a shared folder on Server B...
1)When the user is created using an ASP form, you can have the web app send out an email. The email will contain a link that will allow him to go directly to an asp page were they can create their initial password.
2)If a user knows his password is going to expire(a message on the home page can...
-Install and configure SSH ( on the email server. There is a good readme doc that comes with the installer that will explain what you need to do. Basically, you have to tell SSH what users you want to create an SSH session.
-open up port 22 on the firewall...
That is true, but I am giving the poster options. The option I suggested may be better than nothing.
The poster can also tunnel "RPC over HTTP" through SSH which should work just as well.
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and...
You could tunnel POP3/IMAP ports through SSH. You would not need RPC over HTTP/S anymore. On your client machine, with putty configured and running properly, you would point your email client software(Outlook) to:, port 110 for POP3
or, port 143 for IMAP
Once putty is...
If you look up tutorials on AWK, you will find something like this:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
Business and Data Integrations
A Northern Virginia IT Service and Consulting Company
We tried using NTBackup with task manager but we found it unreliable unless you spent the time to make a really good script. We just shelled out the money for a program like Backup Exec. If you like Open Source, or do not want to spend the money, you can use AMANDA on a Linux box(which is free)...
Is the web application using the SMTP service on the web server itself(localhost) to send out the emails to the Internet or is it relaying the emails to your exchange server which in turn would forward the message to the Internet? In other words, what is the path you expect the emails to travel...
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