yeh y'all,
My production database automatically archives to the standby. I tried to shutdown the standby, it hang on me. So i did the shutdown abort and there after startup and shutdown immediate.Then brought it backup ALTER DATABASE MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE; followed by ALTER DATABASE RECOVER...
My database will not shutdown using the SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE option It hang with the following error message for about 20 minutes.
OPIRIP: Uncaught error 447. Error stack:
ORA-00447: fatal error in background process
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
ORA-01089: immediate...
Our production database was slowing down and hanging during normal operation so we decided to reboot it. It hanged up and when i checked the alert log file i got the following error mesaage.
Active call for process 20507 user 'dbopr' program 'oracle@londata1 (TNS V1-V3)'
Active call for process...
Can someone please explain to me what the checkpoint process does. I am not clear whether it writes directly to the datafile headers directly or does it pass on the scn number to the DBWn?
I have a full database backup taken using RMAN. Since that backup a table was created and dropped before another backup had been done. All online redo logs, archived logs are avaliable. The time and sequence# before table was dropped is know. How do i recover this table?
Okay, so how do i stop a listener to a database that am accessing remotely? This is how i connect to it
OS prompt>set oracle_sid=abc
OS prompt>sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect /as sysdba
I have shutdown the database and stopped the listener, Checked the status it was down. I went back and started the database, mounted and opened it and queried it. I thought that was not suppose to happen? If i have other databases on the same server are they affected by the listener being stopped?
I created a standby database and when i tried to take an RMAN backup of the database i got a message saying that the control file not current, controlfile autobackup skipped. Can some one please explain this to me. I get this whether the database is auto managed or done manaully.
Sorry i wasn't so clear. I received an error indicating that i had an block corruption in my database. Since i was backing up the database using RMAN utility i was going to recover the block using Rman RECOVER FILE command as in RECOVER FILE 11, BLOCK 2954; but then i thought i had read...
Am getting the following error in the alert log file from one of my database.
ORA-1691: unable to extend lobsegment C01D3.SYS_LOB0000051915C00020$$ by 128 in tablespace CMPRDATA1
The tablespace still has about 30% of unused space. What so i need to do. Thanks for your help.
I have been able to restore and recover a database to a point in time using:
I don't seem to be able to use the RECOVER...
This is a simulation situation. I have two databases production and standby. My standby database is not set up for managed recovery. I added a new datafile to my users tablespace in the production database. I took a backup of the tablespace. I made a new entry of the datafile in the standby...
I backed up my database using the controlfile instead of the recovery catalog.I created two tables, call them A and B.I executed some INSERT and UPDATE commands on these two tables. Then i executed a DELETE command in table B. I tried to restore/recover the database to a point in time before the...
I have moved all my data files to a new location with success except the Temp01.dbf and Undotbs01.dbf. I get the following error when i try to move them.
SQL> alter database rename file 'c:\u01\oracle\oradata\cicada\undotbs01.dbf' to 'c:\u01\oradata\cicada\undotbs01.dbf';
alter database rename...
Am not sure if this was the correct way to take care of the problem but it worked. In SQL i run ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS; connected to rman and took a backup. Let me know if this was how it was supposed to be done.
I performed restore and recover operation on my simulation database using rman. My last step RMAN> OPEN RESETLOGS DATABASE; but i forgot to take a fresh backup immediately. Infact am doing it the next day. Am getting this error. How do i resolve it?
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