I have 3 replicas of a database in three countries (A, B, C), each having exactly the same path on each server.
I send an email to to users in countries A, B, C ... providing a DBlink to the replica in A (replica A contains info not in B or C that users need to access upon release of the db)...
... using Lotus Notes Release 6.5.1.
the lotusscript agent makes a call to a script library sub(also signed with a server id though). could that be it?
- LotusScript Agent
- gets all nsf dbs from servers (A,B,C,D,E)
- records db information into the db housing this agent.
1 db : 1 document
- DB housing the agent is installed on only one server
(agent runs on server A where it is installed, but
retrieves db information...
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