full code
AnsiString ab= "DELETE FROM Table WHERE Column1 LIKE '%" + Edit->Text + "%' AND Column2 LIKE '%" + Edit1->Text + "%'";
ADOQuery1->SQL->Add( ab );
I want to delete a row in the base according from the data in the column.... when i use this code DELETE FROM Table WHERE Column1=1 AND Column2=1it works ok, it deletes only one row.... but when i use DELETE FROM Table WHERE Column1 LIKE '%" + Edit->Text + "%' AND Column2 LIKE '%" + Edit1->Text...
i will be grateful if somebody trnaslate me this code that is wroten in Delphi.if you can write me in c++.thank you
function GetParentDirectory(path : string) : string;
result := ExpandFileName(path + '\..')
function AddFilter(path,filter: string): string;
Can somebody "translate" me this code? The code is used to check whether the user uses internet while he is using the aplication.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
function FuncAvail(_dllname, _funcname: string;
var _p: pointer): boolean;
{return True...
Here is an example how to change "HINT" or create balloon tip
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Unit1.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1...
Does not work. Here are the errors that occur.
[BCC32 Error] Unit1.cpp(24): E2451 Undefined symbol 'MachineStr'
[BCC32 Error] Unit1.cpp(26): E2451 Undefined symbol 'MachineShiftStr'
[BCC32 Error] Unit1.cpp(27): E2451 Undefined symbol 'ProdHoursStr'
[BCC32 Error] Unit1.cpp(39): E2034 Cannot...
date stored is string. After that value will need to read from the database. If there in the base the date is 19.02.1999 then the same value needed to be writlen in database.
How to write the value of DateTimePicker in database, and after that value to read from the database. Using ADOQuery and C++ Builder 2009.
I apologize to grammatical errors.
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