Can I have more than one witness in database mirroring?
I found the term "Alternate Witness" for Outlook but not SQL.
My client wants to have the database mirrored between 2 data centers and a witness at each data center. That way, if the one datacenter goes down, the mirror at the...
I have questions about SQL Server and power outages.
Is it better to leave SQL Server up when power is lost OR take the chance and shut it down at the risk of power being lost while it is still coming down.
Also - what happens to SQL Server if our SAN is shut down first?
Is there a...
I am trying to document my sql server info
How can I tell if my SQL installation is SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2?
If I run
SELECT SERVERPROPERTY ('productversion') AS Version
I get 10.0.4000.0
and according to the SQL Server release history,
10.0 = 2008 SQL Server 2008...
I am using SQL 2008 and have a project where a client is sending us transaction logs that we will restore on our server.
Some logs, I am able to apply, some get the ...
The log in this backup set terminates at LSN 8470802000000442300001, which is too early to apply to the database. A...
Hello - I just received these details and was hoping I could get a fast answer or at least the questions I should be asking...
All internet traffic will be logged to ONE SQL cluster at a data center. Once the project is complete, the amount of data could reach 600-700Gb a month. Every...
Thanks Simi
Is there a way to put them in the same row?
Right now its a manual process and I want to figure out which files do not belong - so after I create the temp table I can say "select * from #x where..." and figure out the logic with the LSN - so I can manually remove the files that...
I am trying to identify which transaction logs are not correct to use.
The BAK & 100s of TRN files are delivered on an external hard drive and restored here.
The following works...
if object_ID('tempdb..#x') is not null begin drop table #x end
create table #x (BackupName...
We have 2 servers on different networks and we are looking for a way to keep 3 databases on one server updated with the changes made to the 3 databases on the other server
The destination server can be read only.
One idea was to use log shipping but security was a concern - its assumed...
I was brought in on a project where the plan was to take transaction logs from a vendors SQL database, FTP them to our server and apply the logs on our database on a daily basis.
When testing, I was using the vendors BAK then applying the vendors logs - which worked - we thought we could...
Hello -
This was a question asked of me as a DBA...
Is there any way to quantify how many of these distinct transactions are completed on a daily basis?
I looked into Profiler but still not sure these results will be accurate for what is needed.
Here is what I have...
Microsoft SQL...
I am new to being a DBA and was informed that SQL Server updates have never been applied.
I am currently running...
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3215.00 (Intel X86) Dec 8 2007 18:51:32 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build...
GMMASTROS - thank you - that worked!
Thank you to Borislav also.
I looked into so many other things before posting - and learned, which is great and all....
Thank you again.
Thanks, but that didn't work
I tried...
sqlcmd -E -S (local) -d DBA -i C:\Folder\InputFile.sql
-o C:\Folder\OutputFile.txt"
sqlcmd -E -S (local) -d DBA -i C:\Folder\InputFile.sql
-o C:\Folder\OutputFile.txt
Hello - I am trying to use sqlcmd in a BAT file.
Could someone help me out by letting me know why my input parameter doesn't work - below are my steps.
FileA.bat works, FileB.bat does not.
sqlcmd -S (local) -d DBA -Q"DBCC ShowContig With TableResults,ALL_Indexes"...
Is there a way to tell which table and which records in a database have changed using the transaction logs?
Do I need to purchase software to do this or can it be done with T-SQL?
Thank you for your response - now I am receiving the error
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'NJCCCS$DOE_Dev3' database.
I believe it is because I made a copy of another database - I'm still working on it - if anyone has suggestions, they would be...
Thanks Denny - I corrected the script (below)
What you say makes more sense, but I grabbed the script from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-s/library/ms187607.aspx
RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2008R2
FROM AdventureWorks2008R2_1
RESTORE LOG AdventureWorks2008R2...
Hello - I am a newbie and trying to apply multiple transaction logs to a database.
Below is my script - I wrote it weeks ago and do not understand how I can use 'NJnew' (this is the logical name?) in the command "MOVE N'NJnew' TO "
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