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Setting Array to Nothing

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Technical User
Jan 18, 2005
Here is my problem:
    ReDim panelists(300)
        y = 1
        Do While Not EOF(1)    ' Loop until end of file.
            Line Input #1, panelists(y)    ' Add Mnemonic to array
            y = y + 1
    If IsArray(panelists) Then
        ReDim Preserve panelists(y - 1)
        Set panelists = Nothing
    End If

the above is a snippet of my code and shows what im trying to do. It is incomplete I realise panelists is an array as soon as I Redim although what im looking to do is if there are no panellists then set the current Redim'd array of 300 empty rows to nothing.

Is there any way of doing this? "Set panelists = Nothing" seems to be incorrect.. Thanks in advance for any assistance
don't do a lot of this kinda thing but I remember seeing something like

If BOF = EOF then
'no records in recordset
'Records present
end if

May need to be if BOF = EOF-1 or similar logic if the above doesn't work...

Rgds, Geoff

"Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data. Guess which has occurred"

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Hi PhilBarnes,

There isn't a BOF for Input Files but you can check the file length if you want, something like ..

[blue]If FileLen("[i]YourPath\YourFile[/i].txt") = 0 Then
    [green]' File has no content[/green]
    Open "[i]YourPath\YourFile[/i].txt" for input as #1
    [green]' etc., etc.[/green]
End If[/blue]

However you discover the fact, you can't easily use the state of your array variable as a flag (you'ld need to do some error trapping) and you can't set an array to Nothing so I'd be inclined to use a separate boolean myself.


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thanks for the info xlbo. When you mentioned EOF/ BOF it got me thinking and below solved it:

    If Not EOF(1) Then
        y = 1
        ReDim panelists(300)
            Do While Not EOF(1)    ' Loop until end of file.
                Line Input #1, panelists(y)    ' Add Mnemonic to array
                y = y + 1
        ReDim Preserve panelists(y - 1)
        '/ do nothing
    End If

it seems that EOF(1) = False when the file has values..
Thanks for the additional option Tony. Seems that if I use EOF as a flag I can then declare my array if the file has values and leave it empty if not.
Similar stuff;

Dim panelists(),y%

Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
y = y + 1
Redim preserve panelists(y)
Line Input #1, panelists(y)


Regards Hugh
Cheers Tony - still not got my head around input files yet - getting there on recordsets tho !

Rgds, Geoff

"Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data. Guess which has occurred"

Please read FAQ222-2244 before you ask a question
LOL Geoff,

Difference is you can move both ways in a recordset. Input files are straightforward sequential devices - you're at 'BOF' when you open it, you're not once you've read a record.


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Cheers Tony - most of my work recently has been to do with ODBC queries into excel or interacting with Business Objects - we don't get many text file outputs so I don't get many textfile inputs to play with !!

Rgds, Geoff

"Three things are certain: Death, taxes and lost data. Guess which has occurred"

Please read FAQ222-2244 before you ask a question
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