Has anyone implemented LDAP? I'm trying to get my lab system to sync with Win2K server active directory and not getting anywhere, in spite of faithfully following the directions in the docs. Any tek tips anyone can offer?
I cannot tell you what to do,because there are a lot of things involved wich are different for each customer, it all has to do with the lookup querys of LDAP.
My advise : check on the internet about LDAP querys and not the IPO docs, then you can get it to work.
i have heard LDAP is implemented different between win2k and win2k3 server, apparently there is a patch to get them to work together, it may also solve your problem as it may be the other version thats supported
I promised to get back on this one.
I've just installed LDAP (ActiveDirectory on win2k server) on my test 3.0.
This is what i did:
ActiveDirectory is set up on a Domain Controller wich must have a URL name like DomainController.something.com.
At the DomainController:
You need to setup a user with the ability to read the AD
Create a new map in AD called "Contacts" and create a few contacts in there with name and mobiletelephonenumber.
In IP Office LDAP:
User = YourAccount@something.com
PW = whatever you gave it
Server IP Adress
Search Base = OU=contacts,DC=something,DC=com
Searchfilter = ( look for the RFC2254 document on the internet in order to make a filter, i did not use it )
NumberAttributes = enter the records you want to have in the PhoneBook, i.e. homePhone,mobile.
A nice tool to check the LDAP server is the Softerra LDAP Browser.
Open SysMonitor and select the LDAP filter
After setting LDAP enabled, reboot the IPO and you should see in SysMonitor the IPO gets the records you created on the DC.
Check on SoftConsole the phonebook.
LDAP has not changed on Win3k in such a manner that it doesn't work, Microsoft made some enhancements to it for its own purposes. It still compromises to the LDAP 3 standards.
Note that LDAP info won't show up in the directory in Manager as it's not stored in the config. To check if LDAP is working you need to use Phone Manager, go to place a call and make sure "Show Directory" is ticked.
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