First off thanks for all the help I have received thus far. Hats off to the group. Now on with my question.. I am a consultant at a client and I am pondering this idea. They have 1200 users and need to standardize their email addresses because some users have FirstN@domain.com and FLast@domain.com. I would like to write a script that adds additional emails to their AD object and make the new one the primary reponse. I've been reading on exchange and I haven't found anything other than completely changing the primary email address. Can anyone help shed light on this dilemma? Thanks a bunch!!!
First off thanks for all the help I have received thus far. Hats off to the group. Now on with my question.. I am a consultant at a client and I am pondering this idea. They have 1200 users and need to standardize their email addresses because some users have FirstN@domain.com and FLast@domain.com. I would like to write a script that adds additional emails to their AD object and make the new one the primary reponse. I've been reading on exchange and I haven't found anything other than completely changing the primary email address. Can anyone help shed light on this dilemma? Thanks a bunch!!!