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Gift Cards in Micros 3700??? 4

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Technical User
Apr 8, 2012
I believe this system is somewhat setup to do this, but after i add value to a card im not able to use it to redeem the value.. The error i get is "ISL Error" "No SIM File"

Anyone know what i might need to do to get this working?
Are you trying to use GSS?

It sounds like you are (you wouldn't be able to add values without a SIM, so it almost has to be GSS).

The first thing you need to do is create a Tender/Media, call it something like Gift Card Redeem.
Under the Tender tab for this, check Open Drawer, Use with currency conversion, reference required, require amount entry, item is shareable, post to gross receipts. I also enable HALO at 0, and check HALO limits overtender. And here is the important part: External Type: Gift Redemption.

Then under the Service TTL tab I check Increment seat number and Fire order.

Under the Printing tab, I check Print summary totals, print check trailer, print check, and print memo check.

Now that you have the tender defined, go to the Touchscreen Designer (POS Configurator -> Devices tab -> Touchscreen Designer) and go to your Gift Card touchscreen.
Click on your Gift Card Redeem button. Change the Category to Tender/Media Number, and then the drop-down below that will become Tender Media. Select the tender media you just created. And that should be that.

If you are using GSS, you should make sure that your service charges (when you sell the card that is) are set up right. You are probably using some kind of default image that has that part configured already if it is working.

Now, if you AREN'T using GSS and you really are using a SIM (check your gift card sell button, if the Category type is SIM/PMS Inquire then you aren't using GSS), then that just means that your Redeem button is probably linked to either nothing or the wrong SIM.

Thank you and yes i am trying to use gss i believe... However i just took over this system and they had gift cards setup somewhat i believe.. there is already a gift card redeem button which category is set to SIM/PMS Inquire. And interface set to 1Valutec SVC. And inquire # set to 10.
Also on the giftcard touchscreen the Sell Giftcard button is set to category "Service Charge Number". Then its "service charge" is set to "gift card sold".
Im thinking maybe they used some service company to do there gift cards.. I just want to be able to take cash for a gift card and set the amount and swipe it and have a card with that amount on it. Im guessing the system will keep up with how much is left on it etc???

Thanks again for the help!
ok now im getting "invalid gift card serial number" when i go to redeem. It seems to let me add value to a card no problem.
I am using micros employee cards.. would that make a difference? I noticed somewhere you can change the lines that are read on the card...

Thanks for any help here :)
Ok ok.. this is completely different then.

Do you want to use GSS, or do you want to use Valuetec? Valuetec is a third party gift card provider; if your 'Activate Card' and 'Add to Card' buttons are set to use the Valuetec SIM that means it is using their third party drivers and servers (which you have to pay a recurring few for, so I'm surprised they didn't get rid of that information when they gave it to you).

If you do want to use GSS, you will have to completely change the way those buttons are set up, plus go into the GSS Backoffice and make sure that you have the Gift Cards setup right.

Open up GSS Backoffice (Start -> All Programs -> Micros Applications -> GSS BackOffice) and tell me what you have in there.
You should have something configured in the Gift Certificates category for gift cards, if not, I'll give you instructions.

If you do, it should be linked (at the bottom of the screen) to your service charge. IF it is, then just change the Sell Gift Card button to the Service Charge setup as the Initial Sale action type, and then set the Add To Card button as the Service Charge linked to the Add Value action type.

Then change your Card Balance button to Category, Function: GSS. Function: Check GC Value.

Right now you basically have a mix in what is going on; it seems like some of your buttons go to Valuetec and some to GSS. Make sure you aren't supposed to be setting it up for Valuetec before make all the changes of course.

GSS is the free (as in, no monthly fees), built in system and Valuetec is a third-party provider you pay a recurring fee to.
Also, big thing here:

Open up the confidence test on a workstation (Start -> Programs -> Micros Applications -> Confidence Test). You'll then want to select mag stripe and swipe the card.
When it asks for a password, it is first number * second number plus three from last plus last. So if the number if gives you is: 7235459
you do: 7 * 2 + 5 + 9
and then type that number in.

When you swipe the card, it will tell you which track has data. Then go to the next tab and swipe again; it will show you that data.

For example, when I swipe the gift cards we buy from Micros, I get:


And then the actual data looks something like:


So what this means is that we want to set our gift card to read track two, start at the second character (so that we ignore the ;) and read only 10 characters (so that we don't read the ?).

To do this, open POS Configurator, go to the GSS tab, and click Card Setup.
Set the Track # to 2, and start position to 2 and 10.

If your gift cards are reading different tracks or differently formatted data, you will of course have to set it to use the format they have.

This is where the invalid serial is coming from (though what I listed in the last post are changes you do have to make for it to work).
Heh.. in my example above I had it wrong. It would have been 7 * 2 + 4 + 9, sorry.
Thank you so much man! This tutorial is awesome
Will let you know how it turns out...

Thanks !!!!!
Can anyone see this doc. I work with micros and would love to view this ! SIM /ISL is not the easiest to understand. I also don't see why Gift Cards have to be set up as a Service Charge or Menu Item???
Thank you.
The link should work for anyone, sure.
Just remember this is for setting it up with GSS, not with a third party like valuetec.

And the selling of a gift card is a service charge. You're not selling a menu items, you're selling a service. You also don't want it posting to your revenue like a menu item until they redeem it, though it does still post to your service charges so that you can account for it.

The reason the redemption is a tender is because it is basically a different kind of money. You track it as a tender so that it posts to your daily revenue.

That's the quick and dirty.

If you need a guide on the SVC drivers (the one for third parties), I have one that I wrote up a while back. Lemme know.
Hey Moregelen! Thank you so much for all the help here! Well everything seems to be working properly. But i have a few things that are weird. I cant seem to delete a original GC Purchase. I only tried this after adding value to it, which it let me delete the added value. But then wouldnt let me delete the original sell of the gift card.
Also due to my motherboard dieng on the BOH server i cant reboot this pc due to "im guessing" the sata drivers being corrupted and not working with the new motherboard. The hp tech was able to get it to boot using his little magic usb drive. But could not leave it with me so... until i feel brave enough to reinstall windows and micros without screwing things up im just never going to reboot this pc, or any of the FOH terminals. But something i have noticed is when i "start res" on the BOH pc i get a "error initializing delivery zone information" pops up before it fully loads.

Also do i need to have a GSS screen? And I noticed in the help file it said the manager should have a "reinitialize" button..?
Thanks again for all the help,
What do you mean you can't delete a gc purchase? Do you mean after you tender it or before?

For the delivery zone thing, on the BOH open services (start -> run -> services.msc) and make sure that MICROS GSS Data Services is started.

As to the reinitilize button, no idea what that is, never set that up. I'll look into what it is.

You don't have to have a GSS screen, you can put the buttons wherever you want.

You NEED to get that computer problem fixed, you eventually run into something that requires a reboot to fix. I can post the MICROS installation docs if to want; it is surprisingly straightforward.
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