Is there a way to see the call volume on the MEDPRO board, I have been adding H323 extensions and was wondering how many it will support. I know it depends on the call volume, so it will be important to look at.
Meas Hour : The hour the measurement was taken. Switches in multiple time zones are treated as in the current MMI reports. We do not assume that the customer has made any correlation between LAN regions and
time zones. Range: 0000 - 2300.
Region: The network region that the IP Media Processors and Medpros for this measurement are in. (The increase to 44 regions is required by [75101-2].) Range: 1-44.
DSP Rscs: Total IP codec resources (voice channels) in the region. (22 or 31) * # Medpro + 64 * #IP Media Processors. The 22 or 31 multiplier for Medpro depends on admin of codec preferences. For R9, a G711 call takes 1 resource, while a G723/729 call or a Fax relay call takes 2 resources. Range: 0-9999.
DSP Usage(ERL): Usage in Erlangs of all codecs during the measurement interval. Includes time that the voice channels are on a call. Usage shall be measured from the time the voice channel is allocated until it is released. Calculated by: (Total Call Seconds) / 3600 where Total Call Seconds is a sum of the following: total time (in seconds) that any CODEC resource on a Medpro is in use total time (in seconds) that a G.711 resource on an IP Media
Processor is in use twice the total time (in seconds) that a G.723 or G.729 resource on an IP Media Processor is in use. Range: 0-9999.
In Reg peg: Total number of times an IP media processor port in the region was allocated to a call. Range: 0-65535.
Out of Reg peg: The total number of times an IP media processor port was needed in the region for a call, but was successfully allocated to a resource in another region. Out of Region does not include denials. If “Network regions are interconnected?” is “n(o)”, then Out of Region will always
be 0. Range: 0-65535.
Denied Peg: The total number of times an IP media processor port was needed in the region for a call but could not be allocated in this region nor any other region because all IP media processor ports were busy, resulting in the call not being able to go through. Range: 0-65535.
% Blk : The percent of attempted allocations of IP media processor ports in the region that are blocked, i.e., not successful. Includes calls that are successfully allocated out of region and denied altogether. Range: 0-99.
% out of Srv: Percent of CCS time that any IP media processor ports were out of service, either manually busied out or maintenance busy, during the measured interval. Calculated by: (Total Time in CCS that any port
was OOS / (Available Resources * 36)) * 100. Range: 0-99.
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