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SATA HD & IDE HD - Can't seem to boot the IDE HD.. 4

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Jul 23, 2002

I Have 250GB SATA Harddrive and a 120GB IDE Harddrive and from the BIOS it shows as:

IDE Channel 0 Master: The 120GB IDE HD..
IDE Channel 0 Slave: Nothing..
IDE Cahnnel 1 Master: DVD Writer..
IDE Channel 1 Slave: CD-Drive..
IDE Channel 2 Master: 250GB SATA HD..
IDE Channel 2 Slave: Nothing..

Both HD's set to CableSelect..

....so the BIOS detects the 2 drives but in the boot order settings the only options are things like Hard Disk, CD-ROM, LS120 and other generic hardware, nothing specific, so how do i boot the IDE harddrive? and what the hell is a LS120? lol

Would it be as simple as disconnecting the SATA drive for a while and seeing what that does, whether it boots the other one (IDE) as default?

And also, if i manage to boot the IDE drive, i want to set up a boot loader - i know how to edit the boot.ini file for multiple drives, but i've only ever done it where the harddrives are on the same IDE channel, never done it for SATA, so could someone please explain the process please..


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..
Set the IDE to Master using the correct jumper setting. I have multiple PCs with that setup and never had a problem when the IDE was set to a master.
Working on same problem. Sata appears as Drive 6, neither master nor slave. (Why 6?) at any rate, am I right in understanding that setting drive one to master and drive two to slave should work? I have two IDE's I am trying to set up with SATA, and I can only get one to work if it is set to master alone. WD 80g each.


The IDE drive was already set to master, thought it was on CS but was set to master. The BIOS still recognises the drive, but i even disconnected the SATA drive and with the IDE drive still on master, i tried to boot it, but all it seems to do is run through the standard motherboard diagnostics with the splash screen and info screen showing what drives are detected and master memory and all that stuff, then goes blank for a while and then resets and won't even give the IDE drive the time of day. Dunno whats going on there?


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..
Look in the BIOS for "Boot Other Device" (or similar) and enable it. There should also be an option somewhere for "Hard Drive Boot Order" (or similar).

Yeah, tried all that, all that is in my boot order listings are:

LS120 (Whatever that is?)
USB-Something Else
USB-Something Else Else

dunno what the usb things are exactly..

...and generic things like that, nothing that seems to be specific to the drives i have..

The boot other device was already enabled and also tried it with it turned off..


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..
Sounds like the IDE drive isn't bootable. Set the bios up this way: floppy first, cdrom second, hard drive third. Just do it and don't ask questions ..... :)

Now look through the BIOS at all the settings, does it talk somewhere about the type of HDD? (IDE or SATA) and if it does can you choose? The master, slave and CS jumper settings only matter if more than 1 device is connected on the same channel, which these two drives are not.

Get yourself a bootable CD, preferably an OS CD, and boot it. When you get to where the OS is to install, you'll know which HDD you're on.

Let me know how you're doing and we can go from here - good luck!

Is this SATA drive an add on card??? SATA drives can't be set to master, slave or anything else. They are on their own cable. You can have a multi-drive controller, but each drive is still on ONE cable.

Sounds like you didn't add the driver for the SATA drive 9pressing F6 during install of the OS). Your mb should have SATA drivers on a cd or you might be able to down load the driver from the manufacturer's website.

As to the LS120, it also called a Super drive, developed by the 3M company. Basically they aren't used much anymore, due to writeable cd/dvd's.
PRPhx, the SATA drive works perfectly, its the IDE drive i can't boot..

cjcoyle, will try it your way and see what happens and will let you know..

If i can't get it to work i might just call it quits and partition off my SATA drive and just use the IDE one for storage, seeing as i can read stuff on it, just can't boot it..

Anyway, thanks everyone..


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..
Me too. Note that I am booting from SATA, but can't get more than one IDE recognized.
What operating systems have you installed on which drives (partitions) and which drive type (SATA or IDE)?

HOW TO: Edit the Boot.ini File in Windows XP (Q289022)

A Discussion About the Bootcfg Command and Its Uses (Q291980)

"BOOT.INI uses the Advanced RISC Computing (ARC) convention to designate where the OS is located, and on which disk. The first parameter is either MULTI or SCSI. The SCSI option is only applicable to Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk controllers without enabled BIOS. The MULTI option is for everything else, including SCSI controllers with enabled BIOS. Numbering starts at 0, so MULTI(0) designates the first controller.

The DISK parameter designates which disk on the SCSI controller contains the OS files, again starting at 0. The RDISK parameter designates which disk on the MULTI controller contains the OS files, starting at 0. The PARTITION parameter designates which partition holds the OS.

Partition numbering starts at 1 rather than 0."

rdisk which drive C = 0, D = 1

partition which partition 1 = 1st partition
I set the boot order to floppy, cd-rom, then harddisk and also set the hard disk boot priority to the IDE one first, then the SATA and literally tried everything last night but everytime i try to boot the IDE drive, which the BIOS has no worries recognizing, it simply gets past the BIOS splash screen and info, then now it gets as far as the option screen for safe mode, start windows normally etc, so its recognizing the drive but maybe the installation of windows is corrupt because no matter what option i choose, the system reboots and continues the cycle - will try to obtain and installation disk and try that see if i can repair it - my xp disk is an upgrade disk so can't do a full install..


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..
Sounds like you're making progress.
The XP upgrade disk should be bootable. If so, throw the disk in and boot to it. Once the initial drivers load, you'll have an option to repair or install - do the install option, NOT repair. On the next screen or two you'll have another option to repair, it's here that you want to chose repair. I believe this should take care of things for you.

Was Windows originally installed on the IDE drive on that computer? or is the drive from another computer?
You can clean install with an upgrade CD, you just need a Qualifying Product CD (98, ME, XP Home CD) to show Setup when it requests it.

Try repairing windows by running it over itself. You will lose all your windows updates but your files will be untouched.

How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP (Q315341)
firewolfrl, the drive was from another computer and windows was installed on that set-up..

linney, yeah the IDE drive deffo has XP on it, so ok will try the upgrade cd and see..

i hope this works, i would hate to have to resort to reformatting and partioning off my SATA drive. damn pooters. grrr!!


Paul @ basepointdesignzltd..

you have to follow linneys advice on a repair reinstall for that drive

when you use a drive loaded with windows from another computer you have to do a Reinstall/Repair so windows will work in the computer correctly....otherwise you get the type of errors you are getting from an unbootable drive to a reboot loop and of course the famous Blue Screen of Death

It is rare to be able to just toss a drive like you did in a computer and have it boot with no issues.

make sure that is the only drive hooked up on the computer when you do the reinstall

It would have made the things alot easier if that piece of info had been in the beginning of the post

so I doen't think this is so much a issue with BIOS boot order

once you get the drive corrected here is a pretty damn good boot manager that I use....its an old one but works damn good if you follow the directions
when I use the boot manager this is how I set it up

I take a clean drive and load xp pro on it using the NTFS file system

then I use partition magic and I create one data partition and one 56 meg to 500 meg FAT32 primary partition at the end of the harddrive

after that is all done I load the XOSL install file in a folder called (of coarse) XOSL
I also copy to the drive the DOS version of Partition magic
and PQboot

Then I install any other software that I would need to do any data or recovery stuff...example NTFS for DOS

after that

I have an old win98 floppy disk handy

then I use (partition magic) PQboot and boot to the new FAT32 partition

then I reboot after the error no OS

I use the windows98 floppy

then I run SYS from the floppy and make the FAT32 partition DOS bootable

reboot without the floppy

then CD\ XOSL
at the C:\XOSL\ I run install....some video card don't work with this software for some reason...but most do
I load the 600x800 video

after the reboot

I set up xosl to load both the XP pro partition and the XOSL dos partition

I change the time to 5 seconds
and go into the preference tab and make it so the last partition to boot will automatically boot

after that I check to make sure all partitions boot OK

then I shut down and install the rest of the drives that I have on my system (I have 5 IDE one SATA and one drive in a portable drive bay)
I also have an image of my clean install of XP pro that I can toss on any of the extra drives if I want.....I have never had it ask to reactivate except once when I was on the receiving end of a nasty virus

after the rest of the drives are in I set the bootable drives in the XOSL and I use the swap option (this is very important because this makes any drive in the system think they are the first boot primary)

sometimes I hide all the other drives till I have booted into the drive once

I usually hide one clean bootable partition that is all set up and running in case I ever have a crash or issue with the working drive I am in

for the most part I use one of the partitions to load games in so it does not mess with my work partition

also make sure that drive is primary boot in the BIOS

somtimes I just grab an old cheap drive 200 meg and make that drive as a whole dos bootable drive and use it for the XOSL partiton

always remember to only have one drive hooked up to the system to load windows or any other software like linux
of which I have no problems loading and booting too

do read up on the program

here is some info
I did forget to mention the XOSL does not read the label on the NTFS partiton so you need to know the size of the drive and aprox. what order it is in
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