The company I work for use Install Anywhere to install our product. During the install you are prompted for the dbusername, dbpassword, dbname, sid and servername. This info is taken and used to ensure that a connection to the database can be made, once this is successful the rest of the install can continue. I have used this many times to connect to our internal databases and this has worked fine.
Last week I installed Oracle on my laptop, which is running Windows XP, and am now attempting to install the product on it. However, every time I try to connect I am getting connection unsuccessful. If I try another DB in our env it works fine.
Looking at the code for this test of connection we are using something like:
String url = "jdbcracle:thin" +serverName+":1521:" +dbName;
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
myCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
I am able to connect to the DB using SQLPLUS as the user specified. Also, using Netbeans 4.1 I can point to the ojdbc14.jar in my oracle dir and test this thin connection and it works fine. I've created a windows environmental variable called classpath and set this to point to the oralce/jdbc/lib dir.
We have no Oracle DBA here and our java developers are up the walls at the moment. Can anyone help me get this working?
The company I work for use Install Anywhere to install our product. During the install you are prompted for the dbusername, dbpassword, dbname, sid and servername. This info is taken and used to ensure that a connection to the database can be made, once this is successful the rest of the install can continue. I have used this many times to connect to our internal databases and this has worked fine.
Last week I installed Oracle on my laptop, which is running Windows XP, and am now attempting to install the product on it. However, every time I try to connect I am getting connection unsuccessful. If I try another DB in our env it works fine.
Looking at the code for this test of connection we are using something like:
String url = "jdbcracle:thin" +serverName+":1521:" +dbName;
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
myCon = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
I am able to connect to the DB using SQLPLUS as the user specified. Also, using Netbeans 4.1 I can point to the ojdbc14.jar in my oracle dir and test this thin connection and it works fine. I've created a windows environmental variable called classpath and set this to point to the oralce/jdbc/lib dir.
We have no Oracle DBA here and our java developers are up the walls at the moment. Can anyone help me get this working?