Greetings. I installed DB2 7.1 on RS6000 server running AIX.
After a successful installation we installed db2fixpack 3 and 11..
After the fixpacks, we lost the tcpip communication..The other server failed to find our server.
We dropped our instance and recreated a new one named as sahadmin. We also installed Websphere server and the software successfully installed the WAS database. That proved that db2 is working all right.
However when I export the server profile and open it with vi editor, I notice that the essential parameters such as tcpip,serviceName etc are missing...I added the new parameters and run the db2cfimp <file> command. The db2 fails to import it. The error massage says. The file format is incorrect..
2 questions:
1. How can I solve this?
2. Is there any other way to let the DB2 know the tcpip,servicename values to instance sahadmin?
Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey
After a successful installation we installed db2fixpack 3 and 11..
After the fixpacks, we lost the tcpip communication..The other server failed to find our server.
We dropped our instance and recreated a new one named as sahadmin. We also installed Websphere server and the software successfully installed the WAS database. That proved that db2 is working all right.
However when I export the server profile and open it with vi editor, I notice that the essential parameters such as tcpip,serviceName etc are missing...I added the new parameters and run the db2cfimp <file> command. The db2 fails to import it. The error massage says. The file format is incorrect..
2 questions:
1. How can I solve this?
2. Is there any other way to let the DB2 know the tcpip,servicename values to instance sahadmin?
Salih Sipahi
Software Engineer.
City of Istanbul Turkey