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textstream question

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Technical User
Sep 4, 2004
I have a tab delimited text file with more than 255 fields that I cannot import to A2K, and I need to find a way to extract and populate a table with certain fields. I've done it befor with fixed length field formated text files, but I can't figure out how to do it with this type of variable field length format.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

See if the code in:

Import text files to access

gives you an idea.

Thanks Tom

The text file has > 255 fields, tab delimited, "" enclosed, so the standard transfertext route won't work. The script routine is on the right track, but what I need is the "Specify criteria here" portion.

Assuming "TestTxtTab.txt" looks something like this:

"Fld1" "Fld2" "Fld3" "Fld4" (..."Fld300")
2 "QQQQ " "xx" "X YYYYYY AA"

Copy & paste the code below into a module, some assembly required.

'' textstream question thread705-1070834
'' [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1070834[/URL]
'' **************************************************************************
'' Returns the nth word in a specific field.
'' ACC2000: How to Parse Comma-Separated Text into Multiple Fields (Method 2)
'' [URL unfurl="true"]http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;210588[/URL]
'' <modified>
'' **************************************************************************
'' [/color]
[COLOR=blue]Function[/color] fncNthField([COLOR=blue]ByVal[/color] s, intIndx [COLOR=blue]As Integer[/color])

[COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] intCount [COLOR=blue]As Integer[/color]
[COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] intStartPos [COLOR=blue]As Integer[/color], intEndPos [COLOR=blue]As Integer[/color]

    intCount = 1
    intStartPos = 1
        [COLOR=blue]For[/color] intCount = 2 [COLOR=blue]To[/color] intIndx
            intStartPos = InStr(intStartPos, s, Chr(9)) + 1
        [COLOR=blue]Next[/color] intCount
        intEndPos = InStr(intStartPos, s, Chr(9)) - 1
        [COLOR=blue]If[/color] intEndPos <= 0 [COLOR=blue]Then[/color] intEndPos = Len(s)
    fncNthField = Trim(Mid(s, intStartPos, intEndPos - intStartPos + 1))
[COLOR=blue]End Function[/color]

[COLOR=green]'' *******************************************************************
'' 1. Import tab delimited *.txt file into Access table
'' ----------------------------------------------------
'' References:
'' Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library,
'' Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'' *******************************************************************
'' [/color]
[COLOR=blue]Sub[/color] ReadTxtTab()
On Error GoTo Err_ReadTxtTab

    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] rst [COLOR=blue]As[/color] DAO.Recordset
    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] fs [COLOR=blue]As[/color] FileSystemObject, f [COLOR=blue]As [/color] TextStream,
    fn [COLOR=blue]As [/color] File
    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] strDir [COLOR=blue]As String[/color], strFile [COLOR=blue]As String[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] strLine [COLOR=blue]As String[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] intLineNo [COLOR=blue]As Integer[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Dim[/color] str1 [COLOR=blue]As String[/color], str2 [COLOR=blue]As String[/color], str3 [COLOR=blue]As String[/color], str4 [COLOR=blue]As String[/color]
    strDir = "D:\Default_Access\"   [COLOR=green]'' Location of *.txt file[/color]
    strFile = "TestTxtTab.txt"  [COLOR=green]'' Name of *.txt file[/color]
        [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] fn = fs.GetFile(strDir & strFile)
        [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] f = fn.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateFalse)
        [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblImportTxtTab")

            [COLOR=green]'' Skip 1st line (1st line contains field names) [/color]

            [COLOR=blue]Do While[/color] f.AtEndOfStream <> [COLOR=blue]True[/color]
                '' To remove " {=Chr(34)} from text values
                'strLine = Trim(Replace(f.ReadLine, Chr34), ""))
                strLine = Trim(f.ReadLine)
                intLineNo = f.Line
                str1 = fncNthField(strLine, 1)
                str2 = fncNthField(strLine, 2)
                str3 = fncNthField(strLine, 3)
                str4 = fncNthField(strLine, 4)
                        rst!Fld1 = str1
                        rst!Fld2 = str2
                        rst!Fld3 = str3
                        rst!Fld4 = str4
    [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] rst = [COLOR=blue]Nothing[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] fs = [COLOR=blue]Nothing[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] fn = [COLOR=blue]Nothing[/color]
    [COLOR=blue]Set[/color] f = [COLOR=blue]Nothing[/color]
    Exit [COLOR=blue]Sub[/color]
'' Modify this section according to your needs, some errors may be prevented by altering the
'' string expression.
        '' tblImportTxtTab.FldX, Allow Zero Length = No
        '' Err.Number: 3315
        '' Err.Description: "Field 'tblImportTxtTab.FldX'cannot be a zero-length string." 
        [COLOR=blue]If[/color] Err.Number = 3315[COLOR=blue]Then[/color] 
            [COLOR=blue]Debug.Print[/color] intLineNo, Err.Description: [COLOR=blue]Resume Next[/color]
        '' tblImportTxtTab.FldX = Primary Key
        '' Err.Number: 3022
        '' Err.Description: "The changes you requested to the table were not successful 
        '' because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship.
        '' Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index,
        '' or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again." 
         [/color ]
        [COLOR=blue]ElseIf[/color] Err.Number = 3022[COLOR=blue]Then[/color ]
            [COLOR=blue]Debug.Print[/color] intLineNo, Err.Number: [COLOR=blue]Resume Next[/color]
        [COLOR=green]'' All other errors: [/color]

                [COLOR=green]'' Proceed or Exit? [/color]
                [COLOR=blue]If[/color] MsgBox(Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
                        & "Click OK to continue, Cancel to exit " _
                         , vbOKCancel, "Procedure Error: ReadTxtTab") = vbCancel [COLOR=blue]Then[/color]
                    [COLOR=blue]Resume[/color] Exit_ReadTxtTab
                    [COLOR=blue]Resume Next[/color]
                [COLOR=blue]End If[/color]
        [COLOR=blue]End If[/color]     
[COLOR=blue]End Sub[/color]

I hope this will get you started,

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