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Script to send attachments with sendmail.

Shell Scripts

Script to send attachments with sendmail.

by  aixmurderer  Posted    (Edited  )
All credit to Joe Roebuck...

You may want to modify certain aspects of the script to suit your needs. Take extra note of the switches, e.g. -b if you want to send binary files.


#set +x
# jail -> shell script for sending mime email enclosures from command line
# Usage : jail [options] email-address file-to-be-sent
# $1 $2
# John Roebuck - 11/08/97
# John Roebuck - 29/01/98 - Add options to allow optional subject and urgent.
# John Roebuck - 18/03/98 - Get Hostname of machine and user.
# John Roebuck - 26/05/98 - Allow multiple files to be sent.
# John Roebuck - 11/12/98 - Remove all MTMS options and requirements,
# also added -v for verbose (debug) sendmail option.
# John Roebuck - 17/12/98 - Added -b option of uuencoding binary files.
# John Roebuck - 22/12/98 - Added -r option of delivery receipt required.

version="jail 1.4 by John Roebuck 17/12/98"

# Get command line options

while getopts brs:uv name
case $name in
b) bflag=1;;
r) rflag=1;;
s) sflag=1
u) uflag=1;;
v) vflag=1;;
# Display syntax if ? passed as an option in the command line
?) echo " "
echo "Usage : jail [options] email-address files-to-be-set"
echo " "
echo " options are -b for binary files"
echo " -r delivery receipt required"
echo " -s (subject of mail message)"
echo " -u Urgent"
echo " -v Verbose sendmail (debug)"
echo " ("$version")"
echo " "
exit 2;;

# Set urgent flag to 1 if urgent option is found
if [ $uflag = 1 ]; then urgent="urgent"
else urgent="normal"

# Include subject from command line if subject option is found
if [ $sflag = 1 ]; then subject=$sval
else subject=" "

shift $(($OPTIND -1))

# Display syntax if less than 2 command line parameters are found
# after the command line options. Require email address and 1 file
# as a minimum.
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
then echo " "
echo "Usage : jail [options] email-address files-to-be-sent"
echo " "
echo " options are -b for binary files"
echo " -r delivery receipt required"
echo " -s (subject of mail message)"
echo " -u Urgent"
echo " -v Verbose sendmail (debug)"
echo " ("$version")"
echo " "

# set -f stops * being expanded within the shell script. (ksh option)
set -f

# Now get the send to email address

# Find out how many files to send as enclosures in this email message
if [ $attno = 1 ]; then attmess="enclosure"
else attmess="enclosures"

# Format the variable $now as "Friday 18 December 1998 16:22"
xday=`date +%a`
xdayno=`date +%d`
xmonth=`date +%b`
xyear=`date +%Y`
xtime=`date +%H:%M:%S`
now=$xday", "$xdayno" "$xmonth" "$xyear" "$xtime

# Create message boundary number based on process id

# Create message id number based on date and process id
messid=`date +%d%m%y`$$

# Create temporary file based on date time and process id
tempfile=/tmp/jail-`date +%d%m%y%H%M%S`$$
touch $tempfile

# Get sender details eg user name and description, machine hostname
# sender login is the login name of the current user account
# Domain is taken from the domain field in /etc/resolv.conf file
senderdomain=`grep domain /etc/resolv.conf | cut -f2`
# Sender address is login name @ machine hostname . domain
# Sender name is taken from the login name description field in /etc/passwd
sendername=`grep $senderlogin /etc/passwd |cut -d: -f5`

# Create header part of email file

echo "From: \""$sendername"\" <"$senderaddress">" >> $tempfile
echo "To: "$sendto >> $tempfile
echo "Date: "$now >> $tempfile
echo "Mime-Version: 1.0 "$version >> $tempfile
echo "Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=Message-Boundary-"$boundary >> $tempfile
echo "Subject: "$subject>> $tempfile

# Is a delivery receipt required ?
if [ $rflag = 1 ]; then
echo "Return-Receipt-To: \""$sendername"\" <"$senderaddress">" >> $tempfile

echo "Priority: "$urgent >> $tempfile
echo "Message-Id: <"$messid"."$senderdomain >> $tempfile
echo "Status: RO" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "--Message-Boundary-"$boundary >> $tempfile
echo "Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" >> $tempfile
echo "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT" >> $tempfile
echo "Content-description: Read Me First" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile

# Create mail message body part of email file

echo "Hello" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "Please find "$attno" '"$attmess"' to this email message :- " >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile

# Generate file information for each enclosure. The information is in the
# format : File name 1 aix.doc
# Produced on 16 Dec at 18:59
# File size 33469 bytes.
while [ $attno -gt $messno ]

messno=`expr $messno + 1`

report1="File name "$messno" "${filename[$messno]}
report2=`ls -l "${filename[$messno]}" |awk '{print "" "Produced on "$6 " " $7 " at " $8 "" }'`
report3=`ls -l "${filename[$messno]}" |awk '{print "" "File size "$5" bytes." "" }'`

echo "$report1" >> $tempfile
echo "$report2" >> $tempfile
echo "$report3" >> $tempfile

echo "" >> $tempfile


echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile
echo "Regards "$sendername" ("$senderaddress")" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile

# For each file, create enclosure for the file.
while [ $attno -gt $messno ]

messno=`expr $messno + 1`

# Check from command line if files are ascii or binary
if [ $bflag = 0 ]; then

# Add extra chr$ to ascii files for unix to dos conversion. This
# means reading in each line of the text file and writing it out to
# the temp file with a charage return character added to the end of
# each line.
# Unforntunately ksh read will ignore leading spaces at the beginning
# of each line.
echo "--Message-Boundary-"$boundary >> $tempfile
echo "Content-type: Application/Octet-Stream; name=${filename[$messno]}; type=Text" >> $tempfile
echo "Content-description: attachment; filename=${filename[$messno]}" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile

while read line_data
echo "$line_data""
" >> $tempfile
done } < ${filename[$messno]}


# uuencode binary mail
echo "--Message-Boundary-"$boundary >> $tempfile
echo "Content-type: Application/Octet-stream; name=${filename[$messno]}; type=Binary" >> $tempfile
echo "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=${filename[$messno]}" >> $tempfile
echo "Content-transfer-encoding: X-UUencode" >> $tempfile
echo "" >> $tempfile

uuencode ${filename[$messno]} ${filename[$messno]} >> $tempfile


# Send email message straight to sendmail. Use -v option if debug
# option has been set at the command line.
if [ $vflag = 1 ]; then /usr/lib/sendmail -v $sendto < $tempfile
else /usr/lib/sendmail $sendto < $tempfile

# Remove temp file
rm $tempfile

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