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A basic walk through LCR for the IVS2 & IPS

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A basic walk through LCR for the IVS2 & IPS

by  OzzieGeorge  Posted    (Edited  )

The first thing you need to know is where your line access code takes you. For this you need to check Cmd 200 (in some cases this could be 201,202 or 203 if you are unsure check Cmd 29 for your tenant) I will assume you are using moc mode for this exercise so the command string is 200 de 9 de (if your line access code isnÆt 9 substitute it for the 9 Oz uses 0) this will show you what 9 is set to. If you are using LCR it should be set to either A126, A127, A128 or A129, make a note of this value. If you get a value in the range 100 to 163 you are simply accessing the lines direct and this walkthrough will be of no use to you. If you get a value between 200 and 515 there are additional steps to follow and whilst I wonÆt go down those tracks here it is easy to follow them to the point where you find out which A12X number you need.

Just to make things more complicated the manual is written with the first LCR command as the last item shown in that section so for those of you following this in the manual turn to the last page of the 8A command. The first command we need is 8AA000 and as the first data we take the information we found in Cmd 200 and if we had A126 we enter 0 if it was A127 we enter 1 for A128 enter 2 and A129 enter 3. So the command string if we had A126 would be 8AA000 de 0 de This will return a four digit number starting with 400 make a note of this value.

You then take the 400X number and prefix it with 8A to get the next command so the next command is 8A400X this is where we start to get specific as this is where we enter the number we are dialling, however we will only use the critical first few digits which will allow us to treat a range of numbers the same so if we look at international calls which start 0011 it should be easy to follow however (thereÆs that word again) if you had A129 back at the beginning things are a little different. A129 was created for times when you may have to send the line access code out with the dialled number or you may have to consider which line access code was dialled. (there are other reasons but I wonÆt go into that here) so if you had A126 to A128 at the beginning, your command string would be 8A400X de 0011 de but if you had A129 it would have to be 8A400X de 90011 de (this obviously varies if your access code is not 9) if you get Assigned already after de then the code has to be longer for example 00114 (900114), if you get wrong then it has to be shorter for example 001 (9001). If you get it right you will get a four digit code make a note of this value.

The code we now have tells us which branch we are about to take next. I will only look at the two most common here, the Tennant pattern and the route pattern so if you got a number greater than 1015 then sorry but you are on your own. The others are such things as time or date and even the ability to go around the last step again. Now you may wonder why you would want to go around again, well in the last step we could only look at the first 8 digits. If you go round again you can look at the next 8 and so on allowing you to analyse the entire number if you want to take it down to that level.

First I will deal with tenant pattern so if you got anywhere between 1000 and 1015 this chapter is for you, if you got 0000 to 0255 then you can skip to the next chapter. Our next command is the number you got prefixed with 8A so our next command is 8A10XX de tenant number (2 digits) de You can start at 00 and step on with the enter key to look at more than one tenant . Find the 4 digit data for the tenant you are interested in and make a note of that data. It should be between 0000 and 0255 and this brings us back in line with the people who skipped this chapter.

You may have guessed by now that our next command is the number we just got prefixed with 8A This area of the programming gives us two options to set at the same time. We are going to set in the order we want, which outgoing route to use and a pattern that says how we will handle the dialled code. So our command string is 8A0XXX de 1 de This will give a 5 digit number. The last two digits are the outgoing route number and the first three digits are the pattern number make a note of this data. You can then step on with the enter key to see the second choice then 3rd and 4th .

Having found the pattern number (3 digits) this takes us to our next command only this time we are a digit short so we prefix it this time with 8A5. This area allows us to do all kinds of things but beware making changes here. A change made to the pattern affects all codes directed to this pattern. It is better to find a pattern that does what you want (assuming you are not starting from scratch) and direct the code to it. If you are unsure, find an unused pattern and create a new one. In this pattern the first item of interest is the restriction pattern the codes directed here will be. This is found by the command string 8A5XXX de 000 de You will get back a code between 00 and 15 and this relates directly to command 81. You might want to prefix the dialled code with a carrier override code so the command string would be 8A5XXX de 100 de 9XXX and this would take you on to 8A9XXX where you would enter the override code. You can delete digits and many other manipulations but this is one place where it is best to refer you to the manual.

Now you may be asking how do I add a code to be allowed or denied when it currently isnÆt. The easiest way is to find a pattern that currently does what you want but find it as early in the flow of the programming as possible. If none of the existing patterns use the routes in the order you want you would have to change the code and the route selection but you may be able to use existing 5XXX patterns. If there is a code that uses the patterns you want and the routes you want then you just need to point the code to the same as the other code. However you need to remember that you have to expand the codes out then back again. IÆll use a simple example, 0011 is currently set to 0001 for this example and we are going to send the number we want to work to another code which for ease we will use 0101. the number we are going to allow is 001135 but nothing else.

So you would delete the entry for 0011 then you would enter the following data
00110 de 0001
00111 de 0001
00112 de 0001
001130 de 0001
001131 de 0001
001132 de 0001
001133 de 0001
001134 de 0001
001135 de 0101
001136 de 0001
001137 de 0001
001138 de 0001
001139 de 0001
00114 de 0001
00115 de 0001
00116 de 0001
00117 de 0001
00118 de 0001
00119 de 0001

As you can see there is a lot of programming and that is just to send one number to a different pattern.

Hope this helps!
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